I Am Filled With Joy And Peace

I Am Filled With Joy And Peace

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear, it’s another time to learn from God’s word.

Today I will be talking to you about Joy and Peace.

I know they are two familiar words, but let me help your memory by giving a simple definition.

Joy is a great feeling of happiness or pleasure; delight.

Peace on the other hand is a state of calmness and order.

These are two amazing things to have all at once.

It’s one of the prayers that can be found in the Bible. A prayer that we as God’s children be filled with Joy and Peace all at once and at the same time.

Let me show you what the Bible says;

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.—Romans 15:13 (NIV)

There is a lot said in this bible verse, let’s pick them one after the other.

God has the capacity to fill you and I with Joy and Peace, if it were not so, we won’t find the request in the bible.

Another thing this verse says is that being filled with Joy and Peace happens as a result of trusting in God. Believing in Jesus his son is a fundamental aspect of this process.

Then it says so that you may overflow with hope. The word overflow means to have something to the extent that it begins to pour out. Like filling a cup with water so much that it begins to pour out.

So the bible is saying it’s possible for you to overflow with hope, overflow with an assurance that God always has your back.

Let’s look at another translation.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. —Romans 15:13 (AMP)

I like how this translation ends it by saying we overflow with the confidence of God’s promises for us.

As God’s child, what has he promised you? Be confident in what he has said and it will surely come to pass.


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Oil For Today – Day 156

Oil For Today – Day 156

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today is Oil For Today – Day 156. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.

Scriptures For Today

Oil For Today – Day 156

But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord

Gen 6:8

Prayer Points For Today

Oil For Today – Day 156

1. Let’s begin to thank and worship God

2. Let my life be marked with Grace in Jesus mighty name

3. Oh God, let me find grace in your eyes I every aspect of my life in Jesus mighty name

4. Let Grace not be turned to disgrace eventually in the latter days of my life in Jesus mighty name

5. Father,In the name ofJesus let me always be a student of your grace in Jesus mighty name.

6. Let every distraction in my life preventing me from always looking for your Grace be taking away from my life in Jesus mighty name

7. Let my life be show case the many different dimension of your Grace oh Lord in Jesus name.

8. Grace the makes Great locate my life in every area of my marriage, relationships, career, business, ministry in Jesus mighty name

9. Grace for absolute obedience in the order of Jesus Christ be my portion in Jesus mighty name

10. Let’s begin to thank God for answers to prayers

Confession For Today

Oil For Today – Day 156

I find Grace in the eyes of God 

My life is marked with Grace. Every distraction that will not let me be a continual candidate of Grace is taken away from my life. The Grace of God that makes great is locating my life in Jesus mighty name. I will not end up in disgrace in my family, marriage,ministry, over my children in Jesus name. I remain under Grace at every giving time. Gods Grace is multiplied in my life


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How To Be The Helper You Have Been Called To Be

How To Be The Helper You Have Been Called To Be

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By now all marriage folks on KHC know that it is the responsibility of the wife to be her husband’s helper or helpmeet.

The Bible says so. God said, ‘I will make for him a help meet”. Every wife has inside her what it takes to be her husband first ever helper.

She has what it takes to be her husband ‘s helper in such a way that he will not have to look outside the marriage for a helper.

The issue is now positioning yourself to be the helper God created you to be. Functioning in the area of our calling. It’s sometimes difficult knowing how to function per time especially with the different areas of his life he needs help.

First, we need to be strong. It is only the strong that can be a help meet indeed. We need to include it in our prayers daily that God should strengthen us to function in the area of our calling as help meets to our husbands.

Every thing that may want to steal our strength is indirectly stealing our ability to be proper help meet. And the bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength.

So we need to guard our joy. Joy is an attitude. We need to make a concrete decision to stay joyful. We don’t want to depend on people, situation or things for our joy. Despite what is going on around us, you have to make up your mind to be joyful.

Every self pity, self condemnation, victim mentality, approval mentality, low self image, feelings of rejection, being approval addictive and every other emotional problems are all that seek to steal our joy.

It will interest you to know that majorly, ladies are the ones that deal with one or more of such emotional problems.There is a constant battle of the devil with the women so that they will not fulfill their destiny and calling as helpers.

But the devil is a liar over you and your home in Jesus name! 

I am joyful. I fulfill my destiny. 

Lord, strengthen me

Gen 39:21 (KJV)  But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

Decide to be joyful

Psalms 87


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Dealing With Those Who Cheated And Abused You

Dealing With Those Who Cheated And Abused You

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This morning we will be looking at the topic “Dealing With Those Who Cheated, Abused and Used You”

Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: (2 Timothy 4:14 KJV)

Here we see Paul extremely hurt by whatever Alexander the coppersmith has done. Judging from Paul’s tone, whatever harm Alexander has done is probably either towards him or towards the church of God.

Paul later said,

Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words. (2 Timothy 4:15 KJV)

In Weymouth New Testament translation, it says,

Alexander the metal-worker showed bitter hostility towards me: the Lord will requite him according to his doings.

Now, in life, we will meet with a lot of people that will do us much evil. There will be several metal workers who want to use their metals on you! We will meet with a lot of people that will try to harm us.

We might have experienced deep hurts and wounds from those that jilted us. We might have gone through bitter experiences from people who used us and then dumped us. We might have encountered people that insulted our intelligence and tried to play smart on us. We might have been met people that promised heaven and earth and later abandoned us. We might have experienced the greatest levels of betrayals, wherein, the closest friend of ours betrayed us.

Those kinds of experiences are deep-seated, the hurts are strongly rooted, the bitterness breathes within, live magma, waiting for an opportunity of a volcanic eruption, to cause untold damage and harm.

In all of these, we must learn from Apostle Paul. We must learn to sheath the sword-like Apostle Paul did.

Yes, he was hurt, and he actually verbalized it when he said, “Alexander the coppersmith did me MUCH evil…”

No doubt he was hurt and must have gone through a very painful, heart-wrenching experience…but in all of these, he simply said,

“…the Lord reward him according to his work!”

In as much as this is not what the flesh wants to do, I believe this is the best attitude to take when you have been deeply hurt!

Commit the situation into God’s hands. Let God judge the matter! Let God fight for you. When God fights for you, you have the privilege of dealing with your enemy without lifting a finger and without bitterness, and God also compensates you! That is the beauty of it!

Did you see the classic film, “Woman thou art loosed” by Bishop T.D.Jakes?

That lady that was raped and had her innocence taken away at a tender age still ended in jail because she took laws into her hands by shooting the man that hurt her! The prison experience would probably get her bitter than ever!

But you can choose to let God handle it. When you allow God to judge the matter, you let go of the hurt in your heart and await a compensation that only God can bring.

I want you to hand it all over to God. The guy, the lady, the man, the woman, who did you much evil, hand it over to God. Don’t go on with any hurt! Let God reward them according to the works of their hands. That is when it is sweetest!

As you do that that, you will receive healing for every hurt and wound, and God will compensate you heavily! Were you abandoned? Thank God you knew him or her before marriage! If he didn’t go, how will the right person show up!

I pray for you this morning, God will compensate you heavily for every harm, hurt or evil in Jesus name!

I refuse to be bitter

Lord, help me to let go and forgive all who have hurt me

Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. (Luke 6:28 KJV)

Forgive all

Prov 4


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