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Two days ago, I wrote about selfishness in two areas, in commitments and in raising the children. I will continue this morning. If you missed it two days ago, you can check it here:

Today, we continue:

c. Selfishness in outings

You go out with colleagues, go out with friends, go out with the whole world except your spouse! Hey, that is extremely wrong! You need to pray against such selfish attitudes and then take action to make adjustments. 

Marriage is a place of sacrifice, so you really want to go out of your way to satisfy your spouse, not just consider your own preferences.

That is what makes marriage beautiful, when each spouse seeks to satisfy the other, oh how beautiful will it be?

When we are selfish towards one another, that is when we create loopholes for the devil and then he tries to come up with more vices like jealousy, envy, and the like. 

Imagine a couple that is constantly jealous of one another! Obviously, that is not God’s plan!

Ask your spouse deliberately how you can satisfy them and make them happy and then go a step further and do that thing! 

You will love one another more!

d. Selfishness in cooking

Is this possible? Yes, the husband insists all the time that his best food must be on the table for everybody. It is really unfair when his best food is beans!

Or the wife cooks only what she likes and does not take into consideration the preferences of others!

It is also selfishness when the wife refuses to cook or make provisions for meals by saying “I thought nobody was hungry!”

It is selfishness when the husband never helps out in the kitchen, especially when there are no house-helps. Nothing is wrong with the husband helping out to cook sometimes or helping out with the dishes. 

Leaving her to sweat it out all by herself while you are watching football or listening to the news is another level of selfishness.

Be involved with one another and help one another. Be a team. Show that you love your spouse deeply and let that love be unconditional.

Remember, marriage is not fifty percent from each side, but a hundred percent from each side!

Good morning!


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