Reading Time: 2 minutes

It happens all the time. You fall in love, you make commitments, in some cases, wedding plans begin, and then like a mighty tornado from nowhere, doubt hits you like you hit someone with a sledge hammer.

I thought I was in love! Where is this doubt coming from? O Lord, help me!

It even gets more confusing when compromise or specifically, sex is involved. You hardly know what to do. On one hand, you think you love him or her, but when you think about your future together, a lump rises in your throat and a subtle fear meanders in the inner crevices of your mind.

What do you do at such times? This is what we want to look at this morning.

At what points do doubts occur? Here are some:

1. A relationship is outside of God’s will and God needed to get your attention.

2. A relationship is actually God’s will, but the devil wants to confuse you so that you can step out of that will.

3. You have huge and sometimes unrealistic expectations and unfortunately the expectations are far from being realised.

4. You are in a relationship and it is God’s plan for you, but somewhere along the line, you are caught in sex. The devil would usually bring guilt trips and if you stay habitually in the compromise, confusion will enter the soul and you won’t know your left from right.

5. You are not informed and you are ignorant of your basic spiritual rights, you will easily get confused and yield to doubt.

6. You start a relationship or courtship without seeking God’s will. That conviction would not be there and doubts would have an upper hand.

7. You sought direction about your marriage from some prophet without a personal adventure in seeking God’s face.

8. You go into a relationship or marriage in order to escape from something. After your escape,then you start asking whether you really love the person.

9. All your mentors, pastor, and even parents are against the marriage except you. Doubt will surely come eventually.

10. Marriage is not all about roses and flowers, when the thorns show up, they usually come in the basket of doubt.

The next thing is “will one ever get to a place in life where doubt is completely extricated and will never occur again?” Like take a gun and shoot doubt for ever and ever?

I will talk about that tomorrow.

Don’t miss it.

I am not confused.

Pray that every doubt will be destroyed

“Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (Php 4:7, MSG)

Spend time in God’s presence

2 Chronicles 6-7; Psalm 136


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