Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are a few things every lady wants from her man. I will attempt to write about a few of them this morning.

  1. Every lady wants a romantic playmate

A lady loves a guy who makes her laugh and who has endless romantic ideas. It’s cool to be a serious person, but you can’t be serious all the time! It’s not even good for your health! In an already tense environment, you must devise ways to keep her calm and laughing. She looks forward to a man that can help her unwind without compromising.

  1. Every lady wants a spiritual guy
    It goes without saying that every lady wants a prayerful man, who can be a spiritual covering! They need someone who is romantic and who can also explain the book of Romans!

They want some who can spend, but who is also spent for God!

  1. Every lady wants a guide
    She wants someone who can advice, not one that will adversely crush her spirit. She wants someone who can point the way, who will provide navigation for the family eventually. You see, the eyes are located in the head, and since the man is the head, he is supposed to provide the compass for the family.

    4. Every lady wants a truthful man
    Every lady is looking for a man of integrity. Men who will say something and stand by it. Our generation is filled with too many insincere people! O Lord, give me a spouse that will be truthful.

Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Pro 20:6 (KJV)

Truthfulness is a legacy to leave for the children, and the children will eventually gravitate towards what they can see in their father.

Never cope with an impulsive and unrepentant lair. If you marry such, you might have to endure it for a lifetime. Whoever refuses to change now is not planning to change anytime soon.

5. Every lady wants a man who will allow them to be who they are.
Nobody wants to be caged! She wants a man that will not be insecure as to limit her greatness. She wants a man that will give her wings to fly and help her fulfill all God has called her to do.

6. Every lady wants a man who is loaded in the pocket
Ladies want to be comfortable and they want a man who can take care of them. Nobody wants to get involved with a liability! Every man should work! You may be out of job, but never be out of work. No lady wants to afflict her life with a perpetually lazy man! Get working!

I know how to show love to my partner.

Lord, help me to speak lovingly to my partner

Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? Pro 20:6 KJV

Show love to your spouse today

Prov 20


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