Unmasking Deceit: Lies of the Devil to Avoid
Yes, we all make mistakes. There is no human who has never made a mistake. Nobody is perfect. The best of men is still stained with the frailties of life and carnality of the homo sapiens.
On the heels of our mistakes and errors, the devil comes up with lies. One such lie is that you will never be forgiven! He tells you that your sin is beyond redemption and that you will not be forgiven.
Well, you want to know the truth? There is no sin that is beyond redemption. The blood of Jesus is so powerful and precious that He will wipe your slate clean and make you appear before Jehovah as if you never committed a single sin! Wow!
Rom 8:3a (MSG)
God went for the jugular when he sent his own Son. He didn’t deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant. In his Son, Jesus, he personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all…
Unmasking Deceit: Lies of the Devil to Avoid
The devil will continue to beat into your head that there are some sins that God would not pardon. He will then use that guilt against you to make you feel weak and to make you question your prayers. This idea, however, is at odds with what the Bible teaches. The Bible describes a kind, compassionate God who longs to pardon and heal individuals who turn to Him. Those who seek God’s compassion and mercy will always find it, no matter how far they have wandered.
It’s simple to think that our crimes are too great for God to pardon, yet this isn’t the case. We can be delivered from the depths of our sin and brought into a true relationship with God because the blood of Jesus begs for mercy on our behalf. No such thing as “going too far” or “sinning too much” exists. The sacrifice of Jesus can atone for even the most serious sins.
Unmasking Deceit: Lies of the Devil to Avoid
Consider the professional prostitute Rahab, referred to in Hebrews 11 as Jesus’ great-grandmother. There is hope for everyone if she was able to accept forgiveness and be used by God. What about Saul, who was once God’s greatest enemy? He was able to turn to God and repent, and God powerfully used him as a result.
Therefore, if your sins seem overwhelming, remember that God’s mercy is even greater. He only demands that you turn to Him, repent of your transgressions, and ask for His pardon. He is prepared to pardon, heal, and rebuild you. Don’t buy into the myth that your sins are unforgivable. Instead, put your faith in the gospel’s veracity and discover freedom in God’s mercy and love.
Don’t allow any unnecessary guilt to slow you done in your relationship or marriage!
On Tuesday and Wednesday, we have a valentine’s program. If you are in Ibadan, you don’t want to miss it. Details are below the page.
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