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Time To Bring Forth!

Happy New Month!

September is the beginning of the “Ember” months and a lot of people are even scared and believe that a lot of unpleasant things happen around that time.

I am rather excited because a lot of good things happen around the time! 

September, being the ninth month, is that month in the natural when the “gestation period” is complete and the baby has no choice but to come forth! 

And so, this month of September is our month of “Bringing Forth”

Isaiah 66:9 (KJV) Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.

God is literally saying here that I will not bring you to that month or season where the baby comes forth and I will not cause to bring forth! 

Dear people, now is the time to bring forth that greatness, that blessing, that business, that dream, and all that God has told you! 

It is the season of giving birth! 

Now is the time to bring forth! Now is the time to take that step!

Your dream will not be aborted!

That greatness will not be aborted!

Don’t give up on your baby! 

You will not give birth to a stillbirth! 

That baby is coming out healthy and strong!

You will have cause to rejoice and share that massive testimony in Jesus’ name!

The Lord will give you an earth-shaking testimony this month! He will do something unique in your life in the name of Jesus! 

You will birth new things! 

Isaiah 66:9 (MSG) Do I open the womb and not deliver the baby? Do I, the One who delivers babies, shut the womb?

Your womb of greatness is opened! 

And the baby is coming forth in Jesus’ name!

Welcome to September!

Happy New Month! 


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