Three Things Every Man Should Be Aware Of
1. Verbally communicate your affection for her
This may seem unimportant to guys, but it is a major issue for women.
Saying “I love you” could be the solution to the crises raging in your home. She wishes to hear it from you as frequently as possible.
As a lady, she will undoubtedly receive compliments from others. The issue arises when the compliments she receives from others outnumber those she receives from her spouse at home.
Women go through a lot and battle a lot with their emotions, which is why they constantly have a mirror with them everywhere they go. Be her mirror!
Learn to affirm your wife as much as possible as a man. It’ll go a long way toward making her feel cherished.
Three Things Every Man Should Be Aware Of
2. Attend church together.
The Bible instructs us not to abandon the meeting of the brethren.
Take the initiative as the man and seek out a Bible-believing church to attend.
It is critical that you and your wife are hearing the same thing.
Attending different churches while in the same location is not the way to go.
Grow with one another.
Study together.
Pray as a couple.
It will fortify the marriage.
Three Things Every Man Should Be Aware Of
3. Never raise your hands to beat or hit your wife.
Refrain from hitting your wife. For whatever reason, never do it.
That is what distinguishes men from boys.
Yes, she can be rude, obstinate, haughty, or whatever.
Hitting her will not get you out of this situation.
1Pe 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Make the decision to never physically assault her.
Decide to honor her, protect her, and look after her.
That is how a man should act.
God bless your marriage.