Three serious problems that every problem has
Do you have a problem you are bothered about? Do you have an issue that has constantly unsettled you? Are you troubled?
Here is what Jesus Christ said about troubles.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33 KJV)
How I love this scripture! There will be tribulation, but be of good cheer because I have already overcome on your behalf. Then He said you can have peace during any trouble when you learn to heed what He has spoken unto you!
Here are three things concerning anything you are going through.
1. Your problem cannot last forever
That is the number one problem of any problem. They don’t have a forever status. Listen to me, the problem you see today, the issues you see as grave today, that make you cry and weep, will not be there tomorrow. Egyptians were a generational problem to the Israelites, but one day, God said to the Israelites, the Egyptians you see today, you shall see no more! I feel you should start taking a last look at your problems because very soon, you shall see them no more! That is the word of the Lord unto you!
Problems are fickle, they are temporary, and they cannot last forever! The fruitful man has not always been fruitful, he was once barren, but today, he hardly remembers, because when God visits you, He will cause you to forget the shame of your youth!
This year, God will visit you! This year, God will turn His countenance upon you and cause it to shine endlessly upon you!
Covenants can often last a long time, but you see you were not covenanted into troubles and problems, you were covenanted into peace, and shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken, and that will be your experience in Jesus’ name! I speak peace into every storm now in Jesus’ name!
2. Your problem has an expiry date!
One of my favorite scriptural phrases is “And it came to pass!” It is a remembrance and a pointer to the Almightiness of God, that what you are going through will soon become a thing of the past!
You cannot be single for life unless you so choose. But if you didn’t choose to be a nun, that singleness status will soon pass. Believe it, embrace it because that is the truth. The devil cannot overrule God’s timetable for your life. In God, your wedding will never be late; it can only be the latest in town!
3. Your problem has a name!
The last problem that your problem has is that it has a name! Your problem made the mistake of having a name! If it is a sickness, it has a name. If it is a status, it has a name. If it is an emotional issue, it has a name! No form of affliction or oppression doesn’t have a nomenclature! And that is a mistake! Because the scripture says:
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth (Philippians 2:9-10 KJV)
There is a name ABOVE every other name! The source of the problem can choose to be from anywhere, in the sky where the prince of this world lives, in the earth where fellow men live, or beneath the earth where demonic powers often operate, all those are non-issues because, at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow! Every trouble bows!
I challenge you today, to ignore that which you call a problem, and rejoice in the Lord your God who will soon fill your mouth with laughter!
You will soon share your testimony! It is our year of Boundless Opportunities on KHC, you will not miss them in Jesus’ name! I am so persuaded, I am so sure, that you will soon rejoice because this is a word of the Lord unto you this day!
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The problem of every problem is that it does not last forever.
The problem of every problem is that it has a name and We have a Greater Name (JESUS) that cancals the name of every problem.