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Things to Look for in a Lover Part 2

Did you miss Part 1 yesterday? You can find it below!

3. Mutual Love: Physical Attraction:

It’s time for a bit of real talk – physical attraction matters. You don’t want to be stuck with someone who makes you cringe when you see them in the morning. Aim for that “Wow, you look amazing” vibe, not the “how did I get here” morning scream. 

Go for somebody you are attracted to! You don’t want to spend the next fifty years married to somebody you don’t appreciate or be proud of because of money! You sure want to get married to somebody that will make you happy. If you spend half the time wishing you had married somebody else because of appearance, it will affect your productivity and you won’t be able to give your best as a spouse! 

4. Romance 101 – Mutual Love and Romance:

Now, let’s dive into the lovey-dovey stuff. Mutual love and romance are like bread and butter – a classic combo. Do you know the scriptures want you to stay loved up with your spouse after the wedding and to fill your heart with his or her thoughts?

Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose–– don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted! (Proverbs 5:19 Message)

5. Life Purpose Jam – Purpose and Destiny Alignment:

Lastly, we’re getting deep into life talk. Make sure your life purposes align. It’s not a business merger, but you want to ensure you’re both heading in the same direction. No one wants to wake up one day and realize they’re lost in a crazy marital maze!

Do you have a definite assignment from God? Make sure marriage doesn’t swallow up your love for God. There is nothing as terrible as being married with total loss of fulfillment and the nagging thought that you are out of God’s purpose. 

When you are head over heels in love, these are some of the things to discuss. Purpose and destiny discussions, not sexual discussions. Alignment in the mind, not in the body!

Good morning!
