Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Woman You Should Not Be. Mrs. Johnson is a high-energy, productive, choleric wife. Her husband always feel disrespected most of the time. Where is the balance between such a couple?

Wives should be sensitive and not usurp the authority in the house. 

Here are the type of wives that need to exercise some caution in this area. 

The Woman You Should Not Be
1. The Choleric wife

Cholerics are known to be energetic, sharp-mouthed, unemotional with words and actions, and can survive on their own.

They usually don’t need any encouragement to forge ahead.

They can be very independent and this can often lead to friction in the house. 

The couple should learn to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Usually, a choleric wife will be married to an opposite temperament, someone who is reserved, laid back, and probably an introvert.

The choleric wife should go out of her way to ensure she honours her husband at all times.

2. The Proud Career wife 

A woman at the top echelon of her career can often become prideful if care is not taken.

The husband should be secure enough to let his wife go for the best and ultimate in her career.

There are husbands who can be so threatened by the progress of their wives. This is a wrong heart. Let her be, and let her go for the best. Give her wings to fly!

Much work lies with the wife in refusing to get proud of her achievements. The keyword is honour. 

3. The stubborn wife 

Some wives can be stubborn o! From counselling experiences, I have seen wives that would stand by their opinion even when you show them the scriptures. There are stubborn men as well o!

Stubborn wives don’t talk much, they just won’t budge. They will just be looking at you like Lucozade, but what they will do is what they will do. 

This is not good as well. It is not beneficial for the prayer life of the couple. Anything that will engender strife should be flushed out of the home. 

4. The manipulative wife

The manipulative wife has several weapons in her arsenal including crying, throwing tantrums, withdrawing, talking endlessly, refusing sex, and nagging, until she gets what she wants.

She always wants the man at her beck and call.

This may go on for a while especially if the husband is on the calm side, but one day, the hidden molten magma may give way to eruption. And this is not usually the best. 

Every husband must strive never to get to the point of exploding.

5. The insistent wife
Another type of the woman you should not be is the insistent wife who is hard, difficult, and doesn’t listen to anything apart from what she knows or wants.

Her major weapon is anger.

She always wants to be told what she wants to hear and she picks up quarrels with anybody that dares go against what she feels.

Her husband lives in perpetual fear of what could happen next.

This is a wrong attitude that could be detrimental to the marriage.

The problem is that what she knows is limited and what she wants can often be a wrong desire.

We are all a work in progress and nobody knows it all. Meekness or being teachable is a great virtue in marriage.

Husband and wife should strive to live considerably with one another.

Put yourselves in one another’s shoes.

The following verses are probably the best advice for the couple


1Pe 3:1-2 (AMPC) IN LIKE manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them, and adapt yourselves to them], so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [godly] lives of their wives, [2] When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him–to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband].

1Pe 3:7 (AMPC) 

In the same way you married men should live considerately with [ your wives ], with an intelligent recognition [ of the marriage relation ], honoring the woman as [ physically ] the weaker, but [ realizing that you ] are joint heirs of the grace (God’s unmerited favor) of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered and cut off. [ Otherwise you cannot pray effectively. ]

Have a blessed and fantastic day!


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