Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Unveiling of True Authentic Love. A true genuine love doesn’t just want to get, it wants to give!

Let’s go even further. A true love doesn’t want to give to get, it just wants to give! 

There are men who will give just anything and yet it won’t still be true love!

There are men who will fund girls and yet would refuse to pay their children’s school fees, and yet it is not true love! That is just giving to get and at the height of it, it is still manipulative and unhealthy!

True love is sacrificial. True love wants the best for their lover. They don’t want them hurt in any way. They won’t violate them to fulfill the rush of their adrenaline. 

True love considers their partner. True love wants the other person to be happy and joyful. 

True love is not a user. True love is not manipulative or controlling. 

The Unveiling of True Authentic Love 

In marriage, true love wants their spouse to be happy and joyful. True love wants to please their spouse all the time.

True love will never cheat on their spouse! They love their spouse too much to desecrate their marital covenant or jeopardize their precious union. 

True love wants the best for one another. Even when there are some quarrels or disagreements, it’s all resolved quickly because true love can’t successfully stay away emotionally from their lover for too long.

True love forgives quickly and rapidly because camaraderie, intimacy, loving communication, and romantic collaboration is priority! 

The Unveiling of True Authentic Love 

True love is not interested to the point of pursuing another person. True love is focused. 

True love believes in the best and prays the best into one another. 

True love looks out for one another, solving problems for one another and doing things that make them happy! 

True love has the fear of God. The fear of God under guards true love and supplies the strength needed to do the needful and avoid the harmful.

Hope you are blessed this morning.

Good morning! 


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