Reading Time: 2 minutes

1. Thou shall serve the Lord thy God in days of thy youth.
It is good for a man to bear his yoke in the days of his youth. The glory of young people is in their strength. Thou shall know that you will get busier. Now is the time to serve the Lord thy God.

2. Thou shall be contented with thyself, for singleness is not curse, but a blessing.
Thou shalt maximize the times of thy singleness by using it to learn more and prepare for marriage.

3. Thou shall not compromise through Jeru trap.
If thou doest this, thou shall slow thyself down, because that is not the order of God. Thou shall know that in life, it is the help of God that matters. The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong.

4. Thou shall not marry an unbeliever or a person that does not fear God.
God has a person for you. Thou shall be patient to know and learn God’s plan for your life for that will always be the best plan for you.

5. Thou shall know thyself, love thyself and judge thyself always.
Thou shall take inventory of your life and make amends where necessary. Thou shall love thyself because if thou lovest not thyself, nobody will love you. Thou shall always judge thyself and be truthful with thyself so that thou will not be judged.

6. Thou shall not be involved with more than one person at a time.
Thou shall know that such things worketh not out. Thou shall not deceive your intended spouse in any way, so that mistrust enterest not into thy relationship.

7. Thou shall not compromise or violate your conscience because of job opportunities or financial assistance.
Thou shall put thy trust in God and not in man. Thou shall take heed not to lose thy soul because of riches that lasteth not.

8. Thou shall not fall in love with a stranger that thou knowest not.
The world is full of wickedness. Thou shall not fall in love with a Facebook profile or some social media friend. Thou shall not fall in love with a faceless voice over the phone.

9. Thou shall not endure an abusive relationship.
f thou art already being beaten and abused in thy relationship, suffer not thyself to stay there, for that is not the plan of the Lord thy God for you. 

10. Thou shall not walk down the aisle blindly.
Thou shall not fall in love hopelessly. Thou shall fall in love with thy common sense. Thou shall not get involved with a person that has no value for you nor for your God. Such alliances leadeth into regrets. Thou shall trust the Lord thy God for the best that He has for you. Thou shall not as a result of thy age or pressure settleth with just anybody. Thou shall patiently obtain the promise of God. God’s word faileth not. 

I will maximize the times of my singleness and obey the commandments.

Ask God to give you the wisdom you need at such times to obey the commandment for singles

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure. (Isaiah 33:6 KJV)

Decide to follow God’s principles

1Sam 4-8


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