Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Hidden Benefits of Affection. The word “affection” naturally comes across as something tender, desirable, and with an air of fondness. I remember back then in high school when you use the word “affectionate” for a girl, you really love that girl. 

You can’t be in love with someone without being affectionate, but you can be affectionate without being in love! 

We have been looking at ten qualities that all singles and couples will need in their relationship or marriage!

  1. Trust 
  2. Communication 
  3. Respect 
  4. Love 
  5. Affection 
  6. Honesty 
  7. Understanding 
  8. Cooperation 
  9. Commitment 
  10. Fun

Today we are looking at the next one which is “Affection!” The Hidden Benefits of Affection

Before I go on, a quick announcement. Today is that exciting weekly meeting for singles and married on WhatsApp! 

Below are details of the meeting, kindly help us send fliers and community links to as many as you can so we can reach more people! Last week, was such a blessing from the feedback we got! And guess what? I will personally be taking both singles and couples’ sessions respectively. Below the page, you will see a youtube link to last week’s edition.

Find details and materials below:


singles hub

Topic: Let’s Talk About Sex 
Venue: WhatsApp Singles Hub
Time: 7.00pm
Community link:
Right Click on the Image to download and spread the word.


couples hub

Topic: Sex in Marriage: Learning from the Prostitutes 
Venue: WhatsApp Couples’ Hub
Time: 9.00pm
Community link:
Right Click on the Image to download and spread the word.

Back to our devotional. The Hidden Benefits of Affection

We looked at love yesterday. Is there a difference? Yes, there is. Love is very deep and it’s a commitment. Love is at the very foundation of any successful relationship and marriage. 

However, affection can be described as love displayed. Affection is the resulting feeling arising from love.

For example, you should not fall in love with a same-sex, as you fall in love with your spouse, but it is possible to have affection towards the same sex. You can also have affection for siblings and parents. See an example

2Pe 1:7 (AMPC) And in [exercising] godliness [develop] brotherly affection, and in [exercising] brotherly affection [develop] Christian love.

Now bringing this into our relationship and marriage, we are supposed to have affection for our fiancé or spouse! 

Affection will help you demonstrate your love to your loved one. 

Affection is a gentle feeling of fondness and likeness, caring and kindness towards your spouse.

So, notice here that affection is a behavioral display.

For example, a parent disciplining his child is showing love, even though the child can’t see any love because he doesn’t understand. It is called tough love. However, in other, for this discipline or reprimand to be effective, affection must be displayed in the midst of that tough love.

This is what couples have to understand.

I learned this too. There must be a melange of affection and tough love before correction can be effective. 

Start showing affection by fondness, playing, gisting, talking, touching, hugging at every opportunity, smiling, and whatever you can do!

Affection is needed to keep the fire burning! These are some of The Hidden Benefits of Affection

Start today by asking your loved one to list five ways they want affection shown to them. Use REVIVE prayers below to pray Affection into your marriage.

Good morning!


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