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Ten Toxic Mindsets That Sabotage Marital Harmony. Thoughts or mindsets are very powerful. In fact, the mind rules the man. Where the mind goes, the man follows. Victory in life is so much as the victory in your mind. 

If you can master your mind, then you can positively channel it for a victorious living. Your level of victory in life is directly proportionate to the level of victory you have in your mind or soul. 

Now your mind is the seat of your will, thoughts, emotions, and your intellect.

3Jn 1:2 (KJV)  
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

The soundness or health of our minds or souls is so important that we should constantly be checking on the state of our minds. 

You need to constantly check your thoughts. Are your thoughts leading you to victory in your marriage and in life? 

Your thoughts can come from different sources, they can come from your background, your situations, your environment, people around you, from media, your past, from the devil (demonic influence), from God’s word, through preaching, tapes, godly books, and more. 

Just like there are positive thoughts there are also negative thoughts. Negative thoughts of rejection, selfish thoughts that lead to strife, malice, anger, quarrels, low self-esteem, and feelings of inferiority complex and superiority complex, will all have adverse effects on the marriage. 

Ten Toxic Mindsets That Sabotage Marital Harmony

You must see these negative thoughts as they indeed are. They can destroy your marriage if you don’t destroy them. 

The Bible teaches us how to handle our thoughts, especially the negative ones that can destroy our lives and marriages.

2Co 10:4-5 (KJV)  
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)  [5]  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Every negative, ungodly, selfish thought must be cast down. They must not be allowed to govern your marriage, home, and life. 

You have to take up that responsibility because nobody will do it on your behalf. 

How do you handle negative thoughts? You use godly thoughts to cast down those negative thoughts or mindsets.

Ten Toxic Mindsets That Sabotage Marital Harmony. Here are ten wrong mindsets or thoughts that can ruin a marriage.

1. My spouse hates me and only shows he loves me when he or she wants something from me.

2. There is no ‘God’s perfect will’ in marriage. Just marry anybody, bear his name, and don’t expect too much.

3. There are no blissful marriages. It exists only as a figment of one’s imagination.

4. Husbands don’t have the ability to love their wives.

5. As a wife, I refuse to allow my husband full authority over my life. He will still end up hurting and cheating me.

6. Faithfulness in marriage is not real. Just pretend everything is okay and pray you don’t get caught or catch your spouse in adultery

7. You don’t have to be one hundred percent sincere, open, or transparent, it’s not worth it.

8. Without money in marriage, there is no love. 

9. The Bible, God’s principle,s or learning about marriage is not necessary or very relevant to having a blissful marriage. For example, “wives submit” or “husband love your wife” are Old Testament advice, not compliant to today’s world.

10. Once my children are okay, that is okay. Expecting my husband to love me unconditionally is asking for too much.

If you have any of these mindsets, it is time to throw them away and discard them.

God bless you.


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