Learning Prayer By Observation

Learning Prayer By Observation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Learning prayer by observation is one great way to learn how to pray. At home, listen to how your parents pray. Notice the following:

Their choice of words.

What they use to pray.

Where they pray.

Do they sit or stand always, often, or once in a while?

Do they hold hands?

Do they pray in the Holy Ghost? How often?

Do they shout or mutter to themselves? When do they raise their voices? What do they do then?

Do they pray at night? How often? What time at night?

Do they pray in the morning? How often? What time in the morning?

This list is just a way for you to see how prayer is done. What you notice might not be how you would want to do yours, but it would certainly help you to pray.

At church, watch how people pray. Sure, you will see tons of differences there. Again, you are not meant to follow everything you see. The Holy Spirit can give you your own way to pray. He will supply you with the words to use. That is how unique you are to God.

Watching and listening to fellow Christians praying is meant to point out to you where you need to improve, how to improve, what to stop doing, and what to continue. You learn, unlearn and relearn.

The bible says we should not abandon the gathering of brethren. I believe this is to help us grow spiritually. Part of spiritual growth in Christianity is praying. When in the presence of other brethren regularly, we grow our prayer muscles.

Iron sharpens iron as the bible says, so, if you want to learn how to pray, one sure way to do that is to watch and listen to other believers when they pray. Be a sponge and soak what you see. Also, as a sponge get ready to be squeezed – flushing out wrong perceptions about prayer, building your prayer muscles for more spiritual growth, and learning new ways and things about prayer.

May God bless you with the grace for this; Amen.

Dear Father, help me to glean from your prayer life.

Action point:
Take a good look at your parents when next they pray. Note how they do so – time, words, gestures, voice intonation, et cetera.


I am a praying being. I am observant. I watch and learn how to pray.

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Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home. There is a popular scripture I love so much. It is in the book of proverbs

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. – Pro 14:1 

From this scripture, it is seen that the building of homes is directly the responsibility of the woman. But not just any type of woman, the woman has to be wise. It takes wisdom to build.

So that means there is wisdom to build, and there is the foolishness that plucks down or tears down. How is this wisdom acquired? If it just read a woman, we will know that once you are born a female, then you automatically possess this wisdom to build.

That means there are some women who do not have the wisdom to build their marriages and homes. There are no two ways to do it. It is either you are building your home or you are tearing it down. There is no middle way to it.

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If you have wisdom, then you have it and if you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

The question we need to ask ourselves is; am I a wise woman?

The bible gave us the blueprint of asking for wisdom. We have a right to ask God for wisdom

My mentor told me how she will go about eating Suya and one day, a car almost hit her. The incident was reported to her husband who out of anger said she was behaving stupidly.

She felt slighted and offended. She talked to the Holy Spirit about the matter, and the Holy Spirit confirmed what her husband said. The Holy Spirit told her she is not only stupid but also foolish and not operating in wisdom. She was shocked at this and almost couldn’t believe her ears. She then decided to ask God for wisdom.

Until you consciously ask God for wisdom, don’t assume you have wisdom. Until you can say for sure when you were given wisdom by God, don’t assume you have wisdom.

My mentor prayed for wisdom for six months, every day for 3 hours. No wonder she had an encounter with the spirit of wisdom.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. – Jas 1:5 

We have to ask and keep on asking. There are over 223 scriptures in the Bible where the word wisdom appears. We can take one aspect of wisdom and pray it into our life.

There are different aspects of wisdom. There is wisdom to deal wisely in the affairs of life. Wisdom is worth praying for because if you don’t have wisdom, you are left with foolishness, and foolishness tears down.

May we not out of foolishness, tear down that which we have built.

May God help us!

God bless our marriage in Jesus name.

I love my spouse wholeheartedly.

Lord, give me the wisdom to build my house.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Pro 14:1 

Decide to be more committed in your marriage.

Pro 14


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Little Children, You Too Can Pray

Little Children, You Too Can Pray

Reading Time: < 1 minute

There are people who don’t know about Jesus. They could be around you or not. Even if you can’t evangelize to them, you too can pray.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to accept Christ into their lives. They could have heard about Christ and still be unwilling to accept Him. It’s only the Holy Spirit that can convince them of who Jesus is and make them yield to Him. Yes, only the Holy Spirit can do that; it is not in your power to do that.

Make prayer also, for those who have never heard of Christ before. Pray that they will have an encounter with someone who would tell them about Jesus. And that once they are spoken to, the Holy Spirit will convict them.

God loves it when we make prayer for people to know Christ because He wants everyone to enjoy the benefits of having Christ in their lives.

May the Lord bless you. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray for everyone all over the world to know about Jesus. Amen.

Action point:
Include these people in your prayer today.

I choose to pray for those who have not heard about Christ.

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Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

There is something about the Morning. There is something about giving the first to God that makes the rest of the day blessed. God wants to be involved in our day. There’s no way He can be involved if you don’t intentionally invite Him.

You don’t wish God to intervene in your affairs, you pray Him to intervene. God does not just burst into our life, He must be invited.

You have not been configured to struggle through life all by yourself. This life is a wicked world. There are so many evils. The wickedness of the wicked is on the increase.

The concept of early morning has since been. Let’s see some examples

1. Abraham

And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD: – Gen 19:27 

2. Joshua

So Joshua rose up early in the morning, and brought Israel by their tribes; and the tribe of Judah was taken: – Jos 7:16 

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

3. David

Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. – Psa 57:8 

When you give God the best and prioritize him, He releases His blessings. The help of God is what you need in life.

That marital issue, the health challenge, the lack of job, lack of profiting in your business endeavors, lack of favor, overwhelming bills or debt etcetera, will all be a thing of the past. As you lift up your voice to God early in the morning and provoke the morning, He will answer you.

That is why we are online every morning.

God told me and my husband to pray with our audience early in the morning and there will be testimonies.

Join us daily for Oil For Today

5.30 am on Instagram, Facebook, & Mixlr

6.00 am on Youtube

See you tomorrow!

God bless your marriage

I give my waking moments to God

Ask for diligence and strength to build a vibrant prayer altar

Gen 19:27And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD:

Set some time out to pray

Gen 19


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Making The Right Decisions In The New Year

Making The Right Decisions In The New Year

Reading Time: < 1 minute

For a while now, we have been talking about right decisions. Hope you have been following closely. The reason we are dwelling on this topic is because the way you begin the year matters a lot.

It’s noteworthy to point out that it’s four days into the year already, so much has happened in just three days. I hope you aren’t planning to flow with the tides?

What decisions have you made for the year? Or do you plan to live every day as it comes?

If you want a fruitful year, it’s not too late to set your goals for 2022.

Here are a few things you should consider:

1. Wake up early every day to say a word of Prayer before setting out for school;

It is wrong for you to leave your house without first communicating with your maker.

2. Make sure to read your Bible every day;

Do you remember the Sunday school song ‘read your bible and pray every day if you want to grow’?

3. Be committed to showing love to everyone around:

God made everyone, so show love to everyone.

4. Respect your parents and everyone else:

Do you remember what the scriptures say about showing respect to your parents?

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.Ephesians  6:1

5. Do your best at everything:

Do not live a life of mediocrity. Go for the best.

With these few things, you are set for an amazing year already.

God bless you as you do.

Lord, help me to make the right decisions this new year.

Action point:
Talk to your parents or guardians. Let them help you follow through with your decisions.

I make the right decisions this year in Jesus name, Amen.

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