Reading Time: < 1 minute

There are people who don’t know about Jesus. They could be around you or not. Even if you can’t evangelize to them, you too can pray.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to accept Christ into their lives. They could have heard about Christ and still be unwilling to accept Him. It’s only the Holy Spirit that can convince them of who Jesus is and make them yield to Him. Yes, only the Holy Spirit can do that; it is not in your power to do that.

Make prayer also, for those who have never heard of Christ before. Pray that they will have an encounter with someone who would tell them about Jesus. And that once they are spoken to, the Holy Spirit will convict them.

God loves it when we make prayer for people to know Christ because He wants everyone to enjoy the benefits of having Christ in their lives.

May the Lord bless you. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray for everyone all over the world to know about Jesus. Amen.

Action point:
Include these people in your prayer today.

I choose to pray for those who have not heard about Christ.

Read yesterday’s article here


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