Sin is the barrier that disrupts you from accessing God’s throne and His presence as you should. It is that one thing that blocks you from being with your heavenly Father.
In the old testament, the bible records that the temple had a place called the Holy of Holies where there was a veil covering it.
“…The veil shall separate for you the Holy place and the Holy of Holies” – Exo. 26:33
But only the high priest could enter after he had undergone some cleansing rituals.
“But only the high priest could go into the second room, and he did that only once a year. He could never enter the inner room without taking blood with him. He offered that blood to God for himself and for the people’s sins…” ICB. – Heb.9:7
The God we serve hates sins totally and needs us to be pure before we can come before Him.
After sinning, the enemy suggests to a person that God can never forgive, thereby encouraging them to run away from God. This is where shame comes in.
If you allow the enemy to tell you that your shortcomings are so huge or terrible and that God can never forgive you, then you don’t know your God.
Your God is more than able to forgive your sins.
He wants nothing more than to forgive you so that the two of you can be in a loving relationship constantly.
Your heavenly father wants to forgive you so that He can bless you.
He will always forgive you but asks that you don’t allow yourself to become a slave to sin.
Never allow the enemy or anyone to tell you that God can’t ever forgive you. He gave Jesus for you. Jesus that was sinless to die for your sins that you may be called His son or daughter.
Prayer point: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for granting me access to the Holy of Holies. I am glad that God will always forgive my sins. Sin will not overcome me. I will not hide in shame. Amen.
Action Plan: Stay away from all forms of sin
Declaration: God will forgive me of my sins. I will not hide in shame.
Overcoming The Stronghold Of The Mind was taught by Rev. Dunamis Okunowo on the 27th of June 2021 at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija-UI Road, Ibadan. This was during the second service of the day.
In his teaching, Rev. Dunamis made mention of the following important points:
You can’t afford to be careless as a child of God. The sooner you realize that we are fighting against principalities and powers, the better for you.
The belt of truth is the application of God’s Word.
Righteousness (Right Living) is what covers your heart. When you do wrong, your heart becomes exposed to the vile of the enemy.
What happens or goes on in your mind will eventually play out in your life.
Fiery darts are arrows shot at your mind – lustful thoughts, evil thoughts, etc. They are not physical; they are spiritual.
What you meditate on is what you see. Negative thoughts will always come, as long as you are in the days of your flesh. The only way to stop thinking permanently is to remove your mind; but we both know it is not possible. Therefore the only way out is to cast down those thoughts as they come.
It is your responsibility to cast them down; and casting down is a forceful, violent exercise.
You don’t negotiate with negative thoughts or the devil. You cast them out. That’s where ‘Overcoming The Stronghold Of The Mind’ comes in.
You can only conquer negative thoughts by using the Word of God. Constant meditation on the Word, prayers, and fellowship with God blocks negative thoughts.
Everything that happens in life begins with imagination; whether you will be wealthy, great, poor or wretched is a function of your imagination.
Rise and stand!
To listen to messages of Rev Dunamis, go HERE or HERE
Everyone has fears. It’s part of our human nature. Fear can be good or bad depending on if you allow it to control you. But children can overcome fear. Yes, you can overcome fear. But first, let us look at how fear can play out.
Your words, thoughts, actions can be controlled by fear. Fear can make you say the wrong thing, act the wrong way, and think the wrong thoughts. That is the truth of the matter. Having a fear can make you not even take any action at all. But I say again, you can overcome your fears. Yes, children can overcome fear. It’s one thing to be afraid, but it’s another thing to overcome them.
The Bible tells you to not fear because God is with you. Rather than fear, the Bible tells you to give all your fears to God. To release them to Him because He alone can help you overcome any fear; children can overcome fear.
Someone gave fear the acronym
F- False
E- Expectations
A- Appearing
E- Real.
As time goes on, we will look at each of these words to learn more about fear. But do not forget that children can overcome fear. You can personalize it; say to yourself, “I can overcome my fear. I am not in bondage to fear!” Yes, that there is the spirit! You can overcome your fears, and you surely will. God is bigger than those fears you know.