Reading Time: < 1 minute

We have been looking at the creative work of God in the last few days. There are a lot of things to learn from the creation story.

The story of creation is so vast that we can’t finish discussing it in a month.

We have talked about;

1. The power of words.

2. God called forth Light first.

3. God saw that what he had done was good.

4. God is a God of order.

5. God gave names to all the things he created.

6. God instructed the earth to produce things.

7. Everything God did, he did in days.

I believe you have been able to pick up one or two key lessons from this story.

I just want to encourage: use your words wisely, let your space be filled with light, i.e influence your environment.

Also, learn to appreciate and celebrate yourself, be a person of order, as God is not chaotic.

Name your things. This helps you put things in the right perspective. Command your day, month, year, or season.

Finally, be time bound. Set reasonable targets.

Dear children, don’t be deterred. Once you have your vision intact, go for it all the way.

Don’t give up. Don’t back out. Imagine what would have happened if God had refused create the world.

Remember, so many destinies are attached to yours.

God bless you! Amen

Help me to be creative like you oh Lord.

Action point:
Take charge of your space.

I am a creative person.

Read yesterday’s article here


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