Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Giving Your Waking Moments To God In Your Marriage

There is something about the Morning. There is something about giving the first to God that makes the rest of the day blessed. God wants to be involved in our day. There’s no way He can be involved if you don’t intentionally invite Him.

You don’t wish God to intervene in your affairs, you pray Him to intervene. God does not just burst into our life, He must be invited.

You have not been configured to struggle through life all by yourself. This life is a wicked world. There are so many evils. The wickedness of the wicked is on the increase.

The concept of early morning has since been. Let’s see some examples

1. Abraham

And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD: – Gen 19:27 

2. Joshua

So Joshua rose up early in the morning, and brought Israel by their tribes; and the tribe of Judah was taken: – Jos 7:16 

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3. David

Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. – Psa 57:8 

When you give God the best and prioritize him, He releases His blessings. The help of God is what you need in life.

That marital issue, the health challenge, the lack of job, lack of profiting in your business endeavors, lack of favor, overwhelming bills or debt etcetera, will all be a thing of the past. As you lift up your voice to God early in the morning and provoke the morning, He will answer you.

That is why we are online every morning.

God told me and my husband to pray with our audience early in the morning and there will be testimonies.

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See you tomorrow!

God bless your marriage

I give my waking moments to God

Ask for diligence and strength to build a vibrant prayer altar

Gen 19:27And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD:

Set some time out to pray

Gen 19


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Do This First Everyday

Do This First Everyday

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Do This First Everyday. When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Or what do you do first? Do you reach first for your phone or the television’s remote? Or join your family for morning devotion?

God wants to be the first person you speak to and spend time with every morning. How do you do this? By praying immediately, you wake up. Begin with praises and thank Him for another day. Move on to committing your day to him. Thank Him for your family members, ask Him for protection and provision. Tell him anything that is on your mind.

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Psalms 5:3, KJV

Regularly doing this helps you develop closeness with God and He will bless you for it.

So, tomorrow morning, when you wake up, start to talk to God immediately. He is waiting to hear your voice.

God bless you. Amen

Dear Father, I want to start my day with you before anything else. Guide me as to how to pray to you when we meet at the place of prayer. Thank you.

Action plan:
Prepare the night before for your morning time with God. Tell your parents or siblings about your new decision.  Ask for their help to wake you up early. You can also set your alarm to the time you want to start praying.

My children understand the place of communion. They spend their morning productively communicating with the Father.

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Four Ways To Have Victory In Your Relationship

Four Ways To Have Victory In Your Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Psa 92:1-2 KJV It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

I love this scripture a lot! It is a good thing! What do you do that translates into a good thing?

There are four things mentioned.

  • To give thanks unto the Lord
  • Sing praises unto God’s name
  • To show forth His loving kindness in the morning
  • To show forth His faithfulness every night

It is good as a child of God to learn to do these daily! Why must we do these? It’s because it is good to do them. Just like when you say it is good to eat good food. It is good to have your bath…the same way, for your spiritual health, for your victory in life; it is good to these things.

Rather than complain about your partner, give thanks unto the Lord. Rather than nag at him, give thanks unto the Lord. Rather than sulk over being jilted or abandoned, give thanks unto the Lord.

Then it says, sing praises unto God’s name. You don’t need to be on key to do that. You can even sing along with your tab or phone.

Rather than listen to Lady Gaga or Beyonce, sing praises unto God’s name. Rather than sing some secular songs whose lyrics are negative, sing praises unto God’s name!

Then, learn to shew forth His lovingkindness in the morning! How do you do that?

Message translations says:

Psa 92:2 MSG To announce your love each daybreak…

Common now! You show forth His loving kindness by announcing His love each morning! You’ve got to come to a place in God where you refuse to wake up with some heaviness because of what happened the previous day or what is ahead of you in the new day. You see, praising God is not what you do with how you feel or you will not be able to do anything.  Refuse to wake up into some sad state of heart. Refuse to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I have checked my bed severally and I also told my wife to check, there is no wrong side! Both sides of the bed are right sides; whichever side I wake from, I am good to go! You see, our bed is laid with the sheets of praise! It’s got to be good!

In the morning, the first thing to do is not to hiss and shake your head in some regrets! Stop waking up with a frown. Did someone fight you in your dream?  Learn to praise Him like your life depends on it because your life depends on it!

Finally, it says, to show forth His lovingkindness in the night! Every night! That is what it says! Don’t let the last thing you do in the night be listening to News or watching some Home videos that can break homes! Don’t fall asleep on some music that can dirty your spirit.

One translation of that verse says

Psa 92:2 BBE To make clear your mercy in the morning, and your unchanging faith every night;

Ruminate and meditate on that unchanging faith of God every night! Never lose hope. Hold on to God’s word and believe that the following day will be your day!

You see, when you consciously and deliberately learn to start and end your days like these, it does something to you. It positions you in a place where you are strategically ready for what God wants to do in your life. It helps you to cooperate with God’s plan for your life!

When you learn to do these daily, there are two things that will happen in your life.

Psa 92:10, 12 AMP But my horn (emblem of excessive strength and stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with fresh oil. The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].

In verse 10, your strength will be exalted. Your productivity will be maximized. Your result will be assured. Your victory will be certain.

In verse 12, you will flourish. You will succeed. You will grow and expand.  You will be durable and incorruptible!

Get ready for some victory as you listen to GOD on this, as you start your day with Him and end with Him. Before you do this for long, you will surely see the hands of the Lord on not just your relationship and marriage, but in your business and every area of your life!

I will praise God in the morning and in the night. I will not give in to depression. My victory is ascertained.

Oh God, teach me how to praise you all day long and have victory.

O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep (Psalms 92:5 KJV)

Decide to praise God today

Ps 92


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This Is How To Start Your Day As A Child

This Is How To Start Your Day As A Child

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The way you day turns out can be determined by how you start it. The question now is: Do you know the most appropriate way to start your day as a child?

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Psalms 5:3, KJV

When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? What do you do first? Do you reach first for your phone or the television’s remote? Or join your family for morning devotion?

God wants to be the first person you speak to and spend time with every morning. You do this by praying immediately you wake up. That is how to start your day. Begin with praises and thank Him for another day. Move on to committing your day to him. Thank Him for your family members, ask Him for protection and provision. Tell him anything that is on your mind.

Regularly doing this helps you develop closeness with God and He will bless you for it.

So, tomorrow morning, when you wake up, start to talk to God immediately. Start your day that way; He is waiting to hear your voice.

God bless you. Amen

Dear Father, I want to start my day with you before anything else. Guide me as to how to pray to you when we meet at the place of prayer. Thank you.

Action plan: prepare the night before for your morning time with God. Tell your parents or siblings about your new decision of how you desire to start your day. Ask for their help to wake you up early. You can also set your alarm to the time you want to start praying.

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Prayer – A Wonderful Habit To Have

Prayer – A Wonderful Habit To Have

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prayer is one habit that you should have as a child. It’s your way of communicating with God and making it a regular habit is a huge bonus for you as a Christian child.

When you pray often, you are creating an open channel of conversing with God. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will know Him, know yourself, know His plans for you and enjoy His glory spread all over your life.

Jesus, the son of God, had the habit of always taking time off to pray to God. See what the bible reveals about how Jesus took prayer while He was on earth, in the verses below.

But Jesus often slipped away to other places to be alone so that he could pray. Luke 5:16 ICB

At that time Jesus went off to a mountain to pray. He stayed there all night, praying to God. Luke 6:12 ICB

After he said good-bye to them, he went alone up into the hills to pray. It was late, and Jesus was there alone.  Matthew 14:23 ICB

Early the next morning, Jesus woke and left the house while it was still dark. He went to a place to be alone and pray.  Mark 1:35 ICB

Prayer was an important part of Jesus’ life while He was on earth. He did so early in the mornings, left His disciples at some times to go pray alone and even to empty and quiet places to pray. Through prayer He communicated with His father. He asked for help with what was going to happen to Him. He also prayed for the disciples and many people.

Be like Jesus, find a quiet place where you can be alone and pray to God. Early in the morning, pray to God. During the day, pray also. Put aside some few minutes to pray and see how your relationship with God grows. The habit of prayer will sure do you some good.

May His grace give you the strength to pray at all times. Amen.

Heavenly Lord, I want to develop the habit of praying to you often; help me to take on the habit prayer. I want my life to improve and my relationship with you also in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
Find more verses in the bible that speaks about habits. Read and study them. What did you learn?

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