SINGLES -One Thing You Need To Know As A Single Continued from yesterday.
4. God’s word is the source of joy
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. –John 15:11 (KJV)
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. –John 16:24 (KJV)
When you find yourself in situations that do not look like what God promised you, do not get depressed about it or start some pity-party, rather get into God’s word and search out every scripture that handles that particular situation.
As you begin to meditate on those scriptures and use them to pray, you find strength coming to you and the joy of God welling up on your inside!
This joy, as it wells up, rejuvenates you and gets you refreshed. All of a sudden, you start seeing clearer, that it is not about the issues, but about the God, your father who loves you so much and had already given you the victory!
Now, your trust in Him as you express it further moves God to action on your behalf. You think you are long overdue for marriage with suitor not in sight? Don’t get depressed my sister, resort to praise and let the joy of the Holy Ghost fill your heart. You will come to see that your marriage eventually will not be late; it will be the latest in town!
I come against the spirit of heaviness over your life. I come against the spirits behind despondency and suicidal tendencies. I shatter your power now!
Don’t give up on God, because you are at the verge of greatness in your life! God is coming through for you sooner than you expect.
I pray for every reader this morning, God will surround you with his mercy. Your eyes will be opened to see the reality of the kingdom of God that it is not in meat and drink only but in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost! One Thing You Need To Know As A Single
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My joy is full, and so I attract the favour of God and man.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that you give me the grace to praise and thank you at all times.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise. –Psalms 34:1 (MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Choose a convenient hour during the day to just praise God and do that daily.
Now that you have been forgiven your sin, there is one thing you should also strive for. As I earlier said, forgiveness is God’s act of Mercy, and this occurred during the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.
who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. – 1 Peter 2:10 [NKJV]
Since we have been shown mercy by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is expected that we show others mercy as well.
Why is this important?
Let’s look at the words of Jesus Christ himself while he was on earth.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. – Matt 5:7 [NKJV]
You have not been forgiven so that you can brag about it. You have been forgiven so that you can forgive others as well. You have received mercy so that you can show others mercy as well.
Regardless of what that person has done, god expects that we walk in love and forgive him/her.
Look at how the message bible puts it as I conclude this morning;
“You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘carefull,’ you find yourselves cared for. – Matt 5:7 [MSG]
Conclusively, the more forgiveness you show, the more forgiveness you receive.
May God help us to act as we have learnt in Jesus name, Amen.
PRAYER: Father in Jesus name, I just want to thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me a new life.
ACTION PLAN: Decide to live a life free of sin
DECLARATION: I am a child of God, he has forgiven me my sins when Jesus died on the cross and so I live a life free of sin. Amen
No one is too small to enjoy God’s mercy. No one is too young to be a partaker of God’s mercy. The mercy of God is part of His promises to all his children, so you are not exempted.
See what the bible says about mercy.
O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.- Psalm 90:14 AMP
Children, everyday of your lives, pray and ask for the mercies of God.
Gos wants to satisfy you with His mercies now, before you are older. It’s His desire to do so. Isn’t that wonderful?
Pray that as you go to school, and go through each day, the Lord will satisfy you early with His mercies.
You should also confess God’s words into your lives always.
Prayers for children: The Lord will satisfy me early with His mercies. Amen.
Prayers for parents: Lord, let me and my family be partakers of your mercies, In Jesus name.
Action plan: Parents, let us always teach our children the word of God, also, we should pray with it for them.
Declaration: The mercies of God are made evident in the lives of my children.
The mercy of God is an important component of human life. Let’s look at the story of John and his mum as we seek to understand the mercy of God.
John’s heart boomed in his chest as he stood looking at his mother. He didn’t mean to break the five bottles of freshly pressed orange juice meant for the women’s meeting at church tomorrow. One of the bottles sat on the bread wrapper and as he pulled the bread out from the fridge, disaster struck.
“I am sorry, mummy,” he said.
He waited for his punishment. He couldn’t meet her eyes as she looked long and hard at him.
“It’s okay” she said. “Just clean it up.”
That was it. He couldn’t believe his ears. Instantly, he got the mop and bucket and began to clean.
Minutes later, mummy hears Loveth crying. John had hit her for removing one of the tires from his toy car. It was a mistake.
“But I didn’t do anything to you when you broke the bottles of juice?”
John acted like the wicked servant in Matt. 18: 21-35 as told by Jesus.
The wicked servant refused to be merciful to his fellow servant after receiving mercy from his master. He owed his master more, compared to what his fellow servant owed him.
Much like John’s mistake compared to his sister’s. He could have just told Loveth “It’s okay. Just fix it.” Much like mummy said to him.
Why do you think John and the servant in the story acted as they did? They did so because they weren’t grateful for the mercy they received. They forgot that their offense was worth punishing for but who they offended decided they were worth not punishing.
The story teaches us two things:
Firstly, we should be grateful for God’s mercy because we’ve all come short of mercy. And it’s only through Jesus’ death on the cross that we have the right to receive mercy from God.
Secondly, as we have received this mercy, we are meant to reciprocate it to others ‘You should have mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ Matt. 18:33.
What do you think mommy would do to John? Well, the master in the story was angry when he found out what happened and had the wicked servant thrown into jail until he could pay back what he owed Matt. 18: 34.
Jesus said that is how God will deal with us if we don’t have mercy on others.
Who are you going to forgive today?
Prayer: Dear God, I thank you for showing me mercy. Amen
Action point: Continually ask God to help you to do this continually.
Parents: My children are merciful. As they receive mercy from God, they give mercy out to others in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord.
Declaration: My children show mercy. They are considerate and loving to their neighbours.