SINGLES -One Thing You Need To Know As A Single
Continued from yesterday.
4. God’s word is the source of joy
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. –John 15:11 (KJV)
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. –John 16:24 (KJV)
When you find yourself in situations that do not look like what God promised you, do not get depressed about it or start some pity-party, rather get into God’s word and search out every scripture that handles that particular situation.
As you begin to meditate on those scriptures and use them to pray, you find strength coming to you and the joy of God welling up on your inside!
This joy, as it wells up, rejuvenates you and gets you refreshed. All of a sudden, you start seeing clearer, that it is not about the issues, but about the God, your father who loves you so much and had already given you the victory!
Now, your trust in Him as you express it further moves God to action on your behalf. You think you are long overdue for marriage with suitor not in sight? Don’t get depressed my sister, resort to praise and let the joy of the Holy Ghost fill your heart. You will come to see that your marriage eventually will not be late; it will be the latest in town!
I come against the spirit of heaviness over your life. I come against the spirits behind despondency and suicidal tendencies. I shatter your power now!
Don’t give up on God, because you are at the verge of greatness in your life! God is coming through for you sooner than you expect.
I pray for every reader this morning, God will surround you with his mercy. Your eyes will be opened to see the reality of the kingdom of God that it is not in meat and drink only but in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost! One Thing You Need To Know As A Single
My joy is full, and so I attract the favour of God and man.
Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that you give me the grace to praise and thank you at all times.
I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise. –Psalms 34:1 (MSG)
Choose a convenient hour during the day to just praise God and do that daily.
Job 5-6