Discovering The Desires of Every Lady

Discovering The Desires of Every Lady

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Discovering the Desires of Every Lady

In the realm of relationships, Christian women yearn for qualities in a man that harmonize seamlessly with their faith and principles. These qualities serve as the bedrock of a loving and harmonious partnership. Let’s delve into the five crucial attributes that a Christian lady or wife often seeks in a man, redefining the path to a deeply fulfilling relationship.

1. Being Spiritually Anchored

A Christian lady cherishes a man who is deeply rooted in his spirituality and actively pursues a closer connection with God. She longs for a partner who shares her unwavering faith, regularly attends church, and places spiritual growth at the forefront. A man who leads by example in his spiritual journey not only serves as a source of inspiration but also forges an unbreakable bond through shared faith and values. A man who fears the Lord will love appropriately and will not cheat.

Discovering The Desires of Every Lady

2. Integrity and Character

Integrity and character rank high among the virtues that Christian women seek in a man. They yearn for a companion who embodies honesty, kindness, and respect in every aspect of life. A man of unwavering character makes choices guided by the teachings of the Bible, instilling a sense of security and trust in the relationship.

3. Emotional Support

Christian women value a man who offers unwavering emotional support and comprehends the significance of transparent communication. They seek a partner who listens intently, extends compassion, and provides encouragement during both moments of joy and adversity. Effective communication is a cornerstone for building a profound emotional connection.

4. Devotion to Marriage and Family

A Christian lady yearns for a man who holds the sanctity of marriage in high regard and is committed to nurturing a strong family unit. She desires a partner willing to invest time and effort into cultivating a loving and enduring relationship. A man who prioritizes his role as a husband and a potential father showcases his profound understanding of the pivotal role of family within the Christian context.

Discovering The Desires of Every Lady

5. Humility and Selflessness

Humility and servitude are virtues that resonate deeply with Christian women when it comes to a man. They aspire to be with someone who wholeheartedly serves others, mirroring the selfless example set by Jesus. A humble man recognizes that true leadership is manifested through service to others and is eager to prioritize the needs of his family and community over his own.

It’s imperative to remember that entering into relationships with an open heart and profound respect for individual preferences is paramount. While these qualities align with the desires of many Christian women and wives, it’s important to acknowledge that every individual is unique, and personal preferences may naturally vary.

May this guide serve as a compass, helping you gain insight into what Christian women often seek in a man who shares their unwavering faith and values.


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Discovering and Sustaining Lasting Love

Discovering and Sustaining Lasting Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Discovering and Sustaining Lasting Love

In this devotional, we will explore the secrets to finding and maintaining a lasting love, for both singles and married individuals. 

Love is a universal desire, but where and how do you find it, and once you have it, how do you keep it alive? Let’s delve into the keys to a successful and enduring relationship.

1. Finding Your Ideal Partner

Proverbs 19:14 (AMP) tells us that, “House and riches are the inheritance from fathers, but a wise, understanding, and prudent wife is from the Lord.” 

In essence, a truly wise and prudent partner is a divine gift.

Seeking Divine Guidance

Your journey to finding a life partner begins with building a meaningful relationship with God. To secure a prudent spouse, you must first establish a strong connection with the Divine. 

It is only logical that if you desire a wise and understanding partner, you must seek this through your relationship with God.

Choosing Wisely

The Bible suggests that there are both prudent and foolish individuals. The choice you make will have a profound impact on your life. 

To ensure you make the right choice, trust in God to guide your path. Remember, your choice of a life partner can either elevate or undermine your happiness.

Married but Unhappy?

If you’re already married and are facing difficulties in your relationship, don’t rush to judgment. 

Sometimes, we may perceive our partners differently from their true selves. If you believe your spouse lacks prudence, consider revisiting your connection with God. 

Seek His guidance and wisdom to navigate your marriage’s challenges and also seek therapy when necessary

2. Building a Harmonious Home

Proverbs 21:19 (KJV) advises, “It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and an angry woman.” 

This verse underscores the vital role a wife plays in creating a peaceful atmosphere at home.

Creating a Home, Not Just a House

A woman possesses the unique capacity to transform a house into a loving and serene home. It is within her power to set the tone for the entire household, making it a welcoming and pleasant place.

Avoiding Destructive Behavior

When a wife displays contentious, nagging, or angry behaviors, she risks driving her husband away. 

Such actions can lead to a strained and unfulfilling relationship, pushing the man to avoid spending time at home. 

It is crucial for both partners to create a loving and supportive environment.

The Importance of Understanding

Men often deal with internal struggles and decision-making processes differently from women. 

They might choose to remain silent when faced with dilemmas. Instead of pressuring them to speak up, grant them the space and time needed to find a resolution on their own. 

Respect his silence as he contemplates his choices.

Addressing Anger

For singles, addressing anger is crucial. Frequent displays of anger can discourage potential partners. 

Men are generally logical and will consider how anger issues may affect their future together. It’s essential to work on anger management and self-improvement.

Seek Wisdom

The book of Ecclesiastes 7:9 (MSG) advises, “Don’t be quick to fly off the handle. Anger boomerangs. You can spot a fool by the lumps on his head.” 

Anger has the potential to destroy relationships. Remember that anger can hinder the growth of a God-ordained love affair.

In conclusion, the key to finding and keeping the love of your life lies in building a strong relationship with God and fostering a harmonious home environment. 

By seeking divine guidance and practicing understanding, you can ensure a long-lasting and joyful partnership. 

Addressing anger issues and working on self-improvement are essential for singles looking to embark on a successful relationship journey.

Have a great day!


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Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

That word means “romantic.”

Spirituality should never in any way disturb being a romantic lover, single or married.

This has nothing to do with sexual intimacy.

The synonyms of “romantic” include loving, amorous, passionate, tender, affectionate, lovey-dovey.

Speaking in tongues should not disturb speaking sweet things to your lover.

One is to God, the other is to your lover. After you have done the one for God, do the one for your lover as well.

Let your relationship or marriage be characterized by the expression of love.

Be passionate towards him or her.

Before the wedding, “passionate’ does not include kissing, smooching, and intimacy. 

It includes calling regularly, doting on each other, praying for one another, sending loving (not vulgar or perverse) texts to each other (not sexting), buying each other flowers, chocolates, and special gifts, and doing memorable things together.

After the wedding, it includes all of the above and regular, consistent, times of intimacy, as much as you want.

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Being romantic is not being full of lust.

In the Old Testament, honeymoons last as long as one year!

Deu 24:5 (KJV)
When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

God wants you to enjoy each other! Obviously, this doesn’t mean to go and stay somewhere without work in today’s world, It simply means to continue in that atmosphere of honeymoon. By the time you do one year, it becomes a lifetime practice.

In the New Testament, God wants you to have a honeymoon for life! Enjoy every day of your married life!

Sadly enough, by the first week of most marriages, it is only the moon they can find, no honey! 

That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name!

The Bible clearly advocates that married couples enjoy themselves sexually and otherwise.

Pro 5:18-19 (KJV)  
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  [19]   Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about your spouse! It is godly. Take a look at the Message Translation:

Pro 5:18-19 (MSG)  
Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man!  [19]  Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose— don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted!

Have you done your free registration for this Friday’s seminar? Go ahead and do so, it’s my 51st birthday gift for you! Good morning!


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Are You Single Or Married?

Are You Single Or Married?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are You Single Or Married?

I want to quickly identify some things to take note of regarding marriage. Singles and newly married, take note of the following 

1. You can not live like a bachelor or spinster in marriage

There are some lifestyles that are associated with a single life.

You must be ready to let go of such lifestyles. For example, you were keeping late nights or hanging out with friends for long hours.

Before you say ‘I do’, you must be ready to part with your old lifestyles.

You cannot combine the two. You cannot put new wine into old wine skin.

The problem is that some people want to enjoy the benefits of marriage but want to live a single life.

As a wife, you are good with cornflakes and noodles, but as a wife, if your husband says he wants really good food, you have to do that.

Yes, there should be compromise sometimes when you help each other or eat out especially when both of you have been at work all-day

But essentially, it’s no longer about you alone, it’s now the two of you!

Are You Single Or Married?

2. You must be responsible

Marriage life requires responsibility. It’s a life of being responsible.

You don’t live for yourself alone. You think about your spouse and your family’s well-being.

You think and carry the thoughts of your family everywhere you go.

That will inform your decision at the time. You don’t just wake up one morning and decide to travel for three weeks.

Your life as a married man or woman must reflect responsibility in all areas.

That’s why society frowns at it if a married woman or man dresses seductively because that is not expected of him/her. A married person is expected to be responsible.

God bless you this morning! Have a fantastic day ahead!

Are You Single Or Married?


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He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These. As I said, problems don’t just show from the blues. They have always been there and would have been hinted at because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

We looked at two yesterday, let’s dive into the remaining today.

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

3. Out of all my girlfriends, you are the best

This is often a logical way to manipulate the emotions of the lady. As a lady, I don’t really know what you are doing with someone who tells you out rightly that you are not the only one he is seeing. Are you encouraging adultery after marriage and giving him a go-ahead? Men don’t really change after marriage! When a man has the guts to tell you that he has several ladies as lovers including you, then as a lady you should have the guts to walk away from such affliction!

4. We don’t have to tell anybody about this relationship

When a guy begins to make this statement, your antenna should go up! Something is defective right there. There are no commitments when he hides the relationship from friends and family. There may be occasions when the parents are not interested in marriage and it is wise to keep quiet for some time, but at least, he should be willing to notify his pastor. What if he doesn’t have a pastor? The answer to that is another question. What are you doing with such a person?

5. I am just managing you and you should thank your stars

When a guy doesn’t love you, he will verbalize it one day, one way or the other. If you are sensitive, you can pick it up from his words. When a guy says he is just managing you, that sounds like wickedness to me. Probably the lady in question has a self-esteem issue, but as a lady, you don’t have any business with anybody that doesn’t value you or appreciate you as a person. After marriage, you don’t want to be treated as a doormat, you want to be valued as a true help.

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

I will not be deceived

Lord, show me what I don’t know

Mat 12:34 (KJV) O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Disallow your relationship to be sex driven

2 Timothy


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