One Person You Cannot Do Without in Marriage

One Person You Cannot Do Without in Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have discovered that in our marriage relationship, we can not afford to go on the journey alone. There is such peculiarity in our marriage that it takes the Holy Spirit to help us.

The Holy Spirit is a person. He is real. He is alive and He dwells in us. It is amazing that we have so much help available in Him yet we seek help everywhere.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. – Joh 16:13

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. He knows the real truth about every situation. He will not lie to us. Most of the time that we claim our spouses are too harsh on us, it is our flesh reacting. Our flesh wants to resist the truth.

I remember when my husband was correcting me and I felt bad about the correction. I even fasted telling God how wrong my husband was. I wanted God to correct him. It took the Holy Spirit to show me I was wrong. That I had to be broken and submissive to my husband.

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After that encounter, I was gentle and sober. I stopped all my ‘gragra’.

The Holy Spirit is so wonderful. He will keep you calm in situations where your flesh wants to be strong and stubborn.

Most of the issues in our marriages are opportunities for the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself, reveal and glorify Jesus.

The Holy Spirit will teach you how to react, when to say something, when not to talk. In short, He is the ‘olofofo’ of our marriage. He will tell you what your spouse is struggling with. Before a problem starts, he will tell you.

I remember several times the Holy Spirit will reveal to my husband things I’m going through. These are some of the benefits of being a believer. We are born again Christians, let’s make use of these fact.

Let’s develop a relationship with the spirit of Grace. The marital journey is not meant to be ran alone. The Holy Spirit is not a general spirit. He is a particular, specific and individual spirit. He addresses your situation personally.

No two marriages are exactly the same. It is the Holy Spirit that helps you interpret a general message to suit you and your marriage.

As an helper meet for your husband, you have to be strong and courageous. You need the Holy Spirit to be a good husband and take care of that woman. As a wife you need the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a teacher. He will teach you all things. And you what, you can talk to him about anything and every thing, He will answer you. Learn to receive the helper made available for you.

Develop a thriving relation with Him today.
God bless your marriage.

The Holy Spirit is available for me

Holy Spirit, help my marriage.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Ask the Holy Spirit for help

Joh 16


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What Every Husband Should Do To His Wife

What Every Husband Should Do To His Wife

Reading Time: 2 minutes

To show you how powerful women are, the Bible never says a man builds a home. It says a woman builds.

A woman is a builder.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

Pro 14:1 (KJV)

Women are just simply powerful. And that is how God created them. This is why they are also called helpers. And the only other person that was referred to as helper in the entirety of the New Testament is the Holy Spirit.

Every other time, you will hear about the prayers of mothers. Hardly will you hear people talk about the prayers of their fathers. That tells you there is something about women.

Dear wife, there is a lot of power and accompanying responsibilities that lie with you. Your decisions, prayers, and actions will eventually build your home or tear it down, therefore, you cannot afford to be foolish. Be wise and cooperate with what God is trying to do in your life.

How do you do this?

Avoid all the strife, bickering, quarrels, and the like for that is how a foolish woman tears down her home. Avoid emotional affairs. They are distractions.

Now, since it is the woman building the house, what then is the responsibility of the man?

Build the woman!

That is what the man should do. Build the woman.

Dear men, build your wife so that your wife can build the house.

Invest in your wife. Support her endeavors and career. Be interested in her passion and you know what, she will give it all it takes to pray for the family.

May your marriage be blessed.

I chose to honor my spouse.

Pray for your wife.

Pro 14:1 (KJV)Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

Build your wife/home.

Prov 14


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Husbands And Wives, Do These To Each Other – Part 2

Husbands And Wives, Do These To Each Other – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday we looked at how important to it is for wives everywhere to praise their husbands.

We looked at how a little girl danced in honor of King Herod and praised him till he was willing to part with half of his kingdom. When women, praise amazing things happen.

Today, we will be looking at ‘Husbands appreciate your wives’.

To appreciate means to recognize the good qualities of something or someone. Dear husband, your wife is your helper created for you and for your good.

The fuel that keeps wives going and functioning in their calling as helpers is appreciating their efforts and labour of love. Any husband that doesn’t appreciate his wife is stifling the potentials of his wife.

Appreciation comes with a sense of thoughtfulness that allows for gratitude. You become grateful for the little gestures and the big things your wife does.

Every wife is moved to do more or motivated by words. For example, if your wife cooks a meal and you appreciate her, she will remember the appreciation and will want to do better the next time she is cooking. If she is not appreciated, however, the creativity to do more or do better is not there.

If the love language of your wife is words of affirmation, you have to give her big doses of appreciation. Appreciate your wife for her looks, appreciate her for her dress sense, appreciate her being a home keeper, appreciate her for her intuition, appreciate her for her sacrifices, appreciate her for her kindness, for taking care of the children, for believing you, for encouraging you, for being there, for doing the dishes, and the list goes on and on.

One thing about appreciation like praise is that the more you give it, the more you see reasons to give more appreciation. In the same way, the less you show appreciation, the less you will find reasons to show appreciation.

May God grant us the grace to show more appreciation to our wives.

God bless your marriage.

I will show appreciation to my wife

Father, teach me how to appreciate my wife better.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12 KJV)

Appreciate your wife today.

Ps 130


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