Faith, Growth, and Change: Trusting God Through Every Stage

Faith, Growth, and Change: Trusting God Through Every Stage

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Life Is All About Change (And That’s a Good Thing!)

Change can feel like a rollercoaster ride you never asked to be on. One minute, you’re cruising through life, and the next, everything’s flipped upside down—new job, new city, new responsibilities, and suddenly, you’re adulting (whether you feel ready or not). But guess what? Change is a part of God’s plan for you, and it’s through these transitions that we grow—both in our faith and in life.

From childhood to adolescence, adulthood, and beyond, each stage of life brings new challenges, fresh opportunities, and growth moments. The secret sauce to thriving? Embracing the change. When you choose to face transitions with an open heart and mind, you’re not just surviving; you’re thriving.

Why Change Feels Like a Big Deal (But Doesn’t Have to Be)

It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed by change. After all, leaving your comfort zone can feel like stepping into the unknown (yikes!). In childhood, we learn the basics—how to make friends, how to tie our shoes, and how to love peanut butter (or not). Then, adolescence hits, and suddenly, it’s all about figuring out who we are, what we believe in, and where we fit in this world. Oh, and there’s that whole “peer pressure” thing. Fun times, right?

Fast forward to adulthood, and the stakes get even higher—career choices, relationships, and maybe even starting a family. The decisions we make now can shape our future, which sounds intense, but here’s the deal: God equips us to handle it. Each phase of life is an opportunity to trust Him more and discover who He created us to be.

The Real Perks of Embracing Change

Okay, so we know change can be hard, but why should we lean into it? Here are a few reasons embracing change is worth it:


1. You’ll Discover New Strengths

When you’re thrown into unfamiliar territory, you’ll find out just how capable you are. Think of it like spiritual and personal muscle-building. Each challenge is a chance to grow stronger and more resilient. You may even uncover passions or skills you never knew you had. Pretty cool, right?

2. You’ll Build Emotional Resilience

Dealing with change isn’t just about getting through it—it’s about growing through it. The more we adapt, the more emotionally resilient we become. Life will always throw curveballs, but embracing them with faith gives you the tools to bounce back even stronger.

3. Your Relationships Will Get Stronger

Ever notice how going through tough times can bring people closer? When you embrace change, you often find yourself leaning on family, friends, and God. These moments can deepen your relationships, creating bonds that are strong enough to withstand life’s twists and turns.

Let’s Get Real: Why Change Scares Us

Change can be scary, especially when it feels like you’re walking blindfolded. Fear of the unknown is real, but it doesn’t have to paralyze you. Whether it’s anxiety about a new job, fear of moving to a new city, or even just the small day-to-day adjustments, it’s all about mindset. Instead of seeing change as something to fear, see it as an opportunity for growth. Plus, Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us that we don’t have to be anxious about anything when we bring it all to God in prayer.

Supporting Each Other Through Transitions

Here’s a life hack: you don’t have to go through change alone. Leaning on community—whether it’s friends, family, or your church family—can make all the difference. Sharing your struggles, victories, and everything in between with people you trust helps lighten the load.

Remember that time your friend started a new job and was freaking out? Now think about how you were able to offer support and encouragement. That’s what community is all about. We’re called to bear each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and to remind each other of God’s faithfulness, even in the middle of uncertainty.

Practical Tips for Embracing Change (Without Losing Your Mind)

So how do we actually do this? Here are some tried-and-true tips for navigating change like a pro:

  • Stay Present: Praying and even just breathing exercises can help you stay grounded when things feel chaotic. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34), so focus on today and trust God with the rest.
  • Set Small Goals: Overwhelmed by change? Break it down. Setting small, achievable goals helps you stay focused and gives you those mini-wins that keep you motivated.
  • Get a Support System: Surround yourself with people who get it. Whether it’s your best friend, mentor, or small group, having people to talk to makes the journey a lot less lonely.
  • Flip the Script: Instead of seeing change as something to dread, reframe it as an opportunity for growth. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God works all things together for good, even the tough stuff.

Final Thoughts: Embrace the Journey

Here’s the thing: change is inevitable, but growth is optional. Every life stage brings new challenges and opportunities, and while the road might be bumpy at times, it’s all part of God’s plan for your personal and spiritual growth.

So the next time life throws a curveball, remember: you’ve got this. God’s got this. Embrace the change, lean on your community, and watch how you’ll grow in ways you never imagined. And who knows? You might even end up enjoying the ride.

Stay curious, stay faithful, and trust the process—because God’s not done with you yet.

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Joyce and Dave Meyer have been married for over 56 years. In their Video, Talk It Out, they share candidly about the highs and lows of their journey together. Joyce notes early on in their 5-date courtship, they didn’t truly know each other. Yet through divine intervention, they found themselves bonded for life.

Based on this conversation with celebrated life coach and bestselling author Joyce Meyer and her husband Dave, here are some invaluable insights on how to build a strong, God-honoring marriage.

1. Joyce and Dave Meyer discuss the ups and downs of their early marriage and how their thinking has changed over the years.

2. Dave knew marriage was forever so he never thought about changing Joyce or leaving if things didn’t improve.

3. They had to learn about each other through experiences and God helped Dave deal with difficult situations. Over decades, Joyce and Dave Meyer learned to accept each other fully as God designed.

4. Dave applies relevant scriptures like Ephesians 5:28 to situations rather than dwelling on problems.

5. Joyce explains she came from a difficult childhood which manifested in erratic, emotionally volatile behaviors in their first years of marriage. She recalls giving Dave the silent treatment for weeks at a time when upset.

6. Dave remained steadfast, understanding where Joyce’s hurt originated while navigating ups and downs to learn about her. He displayed remarkable strength and commitment to their vows.

Common Mistakes in Marriage.

7. Trying to change your spouse instead of letting them be who they are. Realizing their unique qualities complement one another affirms God’s plan for oneness in marriage.

8. Joyce acknowledges trying to change Dave was misguided since transformation must come from within.

9. From the start, Dave viewed marriage as permanent, avoiding the “threat” mindset some have of changing or divorcing a spouse.

10. Focusing on what’s wrong with your spouse instead of what’s right is a common mistake.

11. Thinking you have to be happy for your spouse to be happy instead of each being responsible for their own happiness.

Handling Differences of Opinion.

12. It’s normal to have different opinions and likes in a marriage.

13. Compromise by allowing each person to decorate their own space.

14. It’s okay to disagree as long as you don’t think your spouse is wrong for having a different view.

15. Joyce recommends couples make a side-by-side list of each other’s positive and negative traits. For her and Dave, the good vastly outweighed the bad. By shifting mental focus to a spouse’s virtues, small flaws seem insignificant.

Dealing with Financial Disagreements.

16. Joyce and Dave Meyer advised that you talk through finances and goals before marriage to avoid surprises.

Joyce and Dave Meyer

17. Needs can change over time so revisit financial agreements.

18. Understand each other’s perspectives and fears around money.

Dave’s Experience with Saving Money as a Youth.

19. Dave shares how he learned the value of saving money from a young age. He explains how at 16 years old, he saved one thousand dollars cutting grass and selling items to buy his first car.

20. Dave emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spending money on important goals.

Accepting Each Other as God Made Us.

21. Joyce and Dave Meyer are different. Dave is more logical while Joyce processes things verbally.

22. One frequent source of disagreement between spouses is having differing communication styles.

23. Joyce mentioned how she likes to verbally process situations by talking through all the angles, while Dave prefers a more direct, logical approach. It’s not that either way is wrong, but recognizing these distinctions is important. They’ve realized God made them this way and focusing on each other’s strengths has helped.

24. When Joyce was unhappy, Dave modeled finding joy regardless through stable faith.

25. As Christians, we are not to let others dictate our moods but lead by example. Joyce was inspired to mirror Dave’s contentment.

26. Misunderstandings often arise when partners don’t understand each other’s methods of thinking and reasoning through problems.

27. Surrender fully to God’s design for oneness. Appreciate differences as completing each other.

28. Apply biblical solutions in tough times, not human reasoning. Prioritize your spouse’s well-being through humility, patience, and consistent prayer.

We will continue with Part 2 of Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer tomorrow.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

In life, there are moments when it feels like everything is falling apart. Times when doubt creeps in, and it seems like there’s no way out. Marital problems, challenging relationships, and seemingly endless struggles can leave us feeling trapped and hopeless. It’s in these moments that some people give up on hope and stop praying. They start to believe that there is no way out. Job searches become futile, and well-meaning individuals reinforce the idea that there’s no brighter future. But is it the end of the road?

Embracing Hope Amidst Adversity

When multiple voices join in, all echoing the same sentiment that there’s no help from God, what should you do? Even when it feels like God has abandoned you, and others question your faith, there’s a message of hope to be found.

The 3rd Psalm, verse 2 (KJV) speaks to this very issue, “Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God.” 

When your circumstances push you to the brink, it’s easy to feel abandoned by God. You may have even asked yourself, “God, where are you?”

But, let me convey a message of hope to you today. The very next verse, Psalm 3:3 (KJV), reads, “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” 

It’s crucial to remember that God’s perspective is different from human judgment.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

The Power of Faith

No matter what others say, with God, all odds can be overcome. The Lord serves as your shield, your source of glory, and the one who will lift your head. When people try to lift your head, they will soon realize it’s a job reserved for Jehovah alone. Men may believe they cannot offer any help, but the Lord is different.

The distinction between “God” and “Lord” is deliberate. If God is your Lord, you can find solace knowing that it’s only a matter of time before He lifts your head. “God” is a universal term, but “Lord” signifies a personal commitment.

When you declare, “He is my Lord,” you are affirming that He is your owner. You belong to Him, and He will lift your head in every area where it’s bowed. In times of struggle and shame, God will intervene.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Your Victory Awaits

God is the lifter of your head, and you’re destined for victory. 

Just think about Joseph, who went from being a prisoner to a prime minister. 

Consider Rahab, a harlot who became the great-grandmother of Jesus. 

David, a shepherd boy, and forgotten sibling, rose to become a king. 

Jabez became more honorable when God lifted his head. Even an illiterate Nigerian bread seller was featured on CNN after God intervened.

When God raises your head, remarkable transformations occur. The possibilities are endless, and God’s blessings know no bounds.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

A New Beginning

What can’t God do? Your life is about to take a new turn. Doors will open, jobs will become realities, and promotions will follow. Your wedding day is on the horizon, and the right partner will find you. Your marriage will be great and beautiful. You will hold your children in your arms. When God lifts your head, no one can bring it down.

Believe it. From today, the hand of the Lord will be evident in your life. Rejoice, for a new chapter is beginning in the name of Jesus.

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The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Being spiritual is one thing, being romantic is another. 

One should not take the place of the other in marriage.

Both are essential, necessary, and needed for a successful family life.

After speaking in tongues, make sure you speak to each other.

This “speaking” is important and should be perpetual.

Toasting should not end on the wedding day, in fact, it should just begin.

 Speaking the right words is needed for a great sexual experience, especially for the wife.

It helps her to get ready!

On the other hand, singles should use the right words for each other, and align their souls rather than their bodies. 

The bodies are meant to come together after the wedding, not before.

What should come together before the wedding are the souls, in the place of beautiful conversation, healthy chats, romantic exchanges of words, making plans for the future, and envisioning the future together.

Speaking in tongues should not replace speaking loving words to each other.

Both are very important.

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Speaking loving words to your lover should not replace speaking loving words to your creator.

Both are lovers.

God is the lover of your soul, your dear one is the lover of your body!

God loves you to speak loving words to Him.

Your lover craves loving words to be spoken to him or her. 

After you have prayed, make sure you also play with your loved one!

There must be a balance of the romantic and the spiritual in order to keep your love life going and in order to make a relationship lead to marriage.

Speaking loving words to each other will keep false assumptions away.

Speaking in tongues will keep demonic influence away.

Speaking loving, romantic words to each other adds strength to your love life.

Speaking in tongues adds strength to your inner man.

With your love life, you fight doubt and insecurities.

With your inner man, you fight and wade off attacks of the enemy.
That is why the scripture emphasizes that romance alone will not deliver.

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Rom 14:17 (KJV)  
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

That is, if you want to bring the kingdom of God into your relationship or marriage, it is not in meat and drink alone, it is not in ice cream and cinema outings alone, it is also in right living, in Shalom, and in the Holy Spirit

Do you get it?

That he is handsome alone would not be enough, can he speak in tongues?

That she has hot legs alone would not suffice, does she have a hot heart as well?

I will stop here this morning!

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How To Make Your Relationship Work –Part 2

How To Make Your Relationship Work –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES- How To Make Relationship Work

It is important as young people, and also as people trusting God for marital bliss to keep your focus on God. That is how things are going to work. Why focus on God and on God’s word?

Here it is:

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. –Hebrews 12:2-3 (KJV)

Looking unto Jesus! Why the focus? You see it right there. He is the author and the finisher. Your life is like a book. Each year is like a chapter. 2022 is a chapter. It has been authored. He has authored great and mighty things about your life!

So you have to focus on Him in order to be consistent with what is in the book concerning your relationship life. In that book, there is no compromise, no fornication, or any other form of sexual perversion. So you must abstain from all these in order to have your destiny aligned with His plan for your life!

I want you to read verse 3 carefully in The Message Translation:

When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! –Hebrews 12:3 (MSG)

At those times when you get weak along the way, and your faith begins to flag, you focus on Him and His word, read it and study it, meditate on it and you will get some shots of adrenaline to your soul!

This day, I pray for you, God will strengthen you and honour you as you focus on Him in Jesus name!

I acknowledge you Lord as the Lord over my life, I say today that you are the most important person in my life and relationship

Father, in Jesus’ name I ask for a heart that loves and worships you. Make my focus be on you continually, Lord.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. –Hebrews 12:2-3 (KJV)

Make a commitment to spent time daily in prayers, worship, and reading God’s word. Also start attending a good bible believing church.

Job 10-13

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