What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy?

What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are times in your life that speed actually becomes an enemy! I have counseled people that were introduced to sexual perversion as young as when they were just five or six years old. That is when ‘speed’ becomes an enemy. Times when you were hooked up in sexual perversion when you did not even know your right from your left, courtesy of people who were supposed to protect you.

There are a lot of people out there who were dropped by their nurses like Mephibosheth, and consequently broke their ankles while on ‘speed’ But I write to you this morning, not to exile yourself like Mephibosheth, but to reach out to God who will not consult your past to determine your future!  Speed might have been your enemy, but God is a re-writer of history.

Do not allow your background to keep your back on the ground. Rise from the rubbles and shackles of yesterday, because your best days are still ahead of you!

While staying in Lagos, on a particular day, we were to go to another area which is different from where we stayed and so we called a dear sister earlier for direction.

As we later found out, her direction was defective as we were practically driving out of the city! We were on the wrong way for quite some time. Her direction lacked landmarks, signs, or anything that will aid us to be sure if we were still on track.

She just said, “When you get to a particular junction keep going straight,” and we did! But the pathetic thing about it was that we got the junction wrong! So even though we were speeding AND GOING STRAIGHT, speed was not our friend because we were on the wrong path! Her guidance was not precise.

Thank God our God is not like this dear sister. God guides us in specific details, step by step, and then gives us “checks” here and there for us to know if we are still on the right path.

To be continued…

I have God’s direction in my relationships. I am not confused. The Holy Spirit is leading me today.

Lord, go with me on this journey of life.

Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Pro 3:6 MSG

Check the major areas of your life; relationships, family, finances, business, career, spiritual life, etc.  Are you on the right track? If not, get back on the right track by asking God to forgive you of all misdeeds and asking for His help and direction.

Jer 32-34


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Demonic Activities Versus Fleshly Lust in Marriage

Demonic Activities Versus Fleshly Lust in Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We’ll be discussing the topic “Demonic Activities Versus Fleshly Lust in Marriage” in our devotional for couples today

In several counselling sessions I have been privileged to be in with my husband, I have heard cases that are so difficult to resolve.

Now, after a few years of marriage, I have come to realize that some of those messy scenarios have their foundations in demonic influences.

We need to be conscious of this so that it helps us to effectively address issues well.
We need to establish the fact that the devil HATES marriage. He loathes it with a perfect hatred. A good marriage irritates him and infuriates him. He is not just a nuisance but an enemy of your marriage and mine.

Having an understanding of who our enemy is, it becomes easier for us to properly wage war against our enemy.

Most of the issues or problems we face in marriage are due to demonic influences. I pray that God will open the eyes of our understanding today to recognize who the real enemy is.

There is the flesh that we all must see to it that we crucify.
For example, a choleric husband can be given to anger. He sees himself always getting angry. It could be his flesh. All he has to do is crucify or mortify his flesh. If he doesn’t do that, his marriage will suffer for it.

And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:24 KJV

On the other hand are the activities of the devil through demonic influence or evil spirit. The aim of these spirits is to torment and torture us as married couples. They also don’t want is to know or serve the Lord effectively.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 KJV

The abundant life Jesus came to give us, they want to make sure it is a mirage.

For example, anger becomes demonic when demons or evil spirit makes one angry at every provocation in an uncontrollable and harmful way.

In marriage, your spouse will do things that you don’t like. The devil torments and doesn’t make you enjoy your marriage when there is a spirit of anger.

Some of the emotional or attitudinal issues we experience are the activities of the evil spirits. For example, most depression, fear, rejection, sicknesses, selfishness, etc.

What we need to do to these evil spirits is to cast them out. Cast them out of our marriages and life

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 KJV

I will continue tomorrow by God’s grace.

God bless your marriage.

I have control over my weaknesses.

Pray that God will give you the wisdom to stay above sin

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 KJV

Deal with your weakness.

Luk 10


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