Don’t Try to Serve a Watery Stew To Your Husband

Don’t Try to Serve a Watery Stew To Your Husband

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Eating is so powerful. If you really want to satisfy your husband, you don’t coon a watery tasteless stew. Even you will not enjoy that food. There is something about a wife and sometimes a husband that knows how to really prepare good food.

Whatever you eat is what you will use to live in your marriage. That is just the reality. You cannot afford to stay starved in marriage.

The short humorous video (extremely funny ) below summarizes what we are looking at this morning. Take a moment to watch it right away

As couples, you have to keep finding what to eat by going to the market and not just some biscuits or nodules every time. This is a responsibility all believers have. When you really want to eat, we are not talking about Golden Morn or nodules. You go for real food when you really want to “jeun soke!”

It is the same in the realm of the spirit. You have to sit down with God’s word and study extensively. You have to eat to your satisfaction. Eating well takes time in preparation. What do you want from God. Sit down and eat!

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

Refusal to study God’s word can be likened to a watery stew that has no taste. There is nothing to enjoy there. You really want to enjoy your marriage? Then eat well and make sure you and your spouse have spiritual stamina by reason of what you are both eating.

The smell of a food never satisfies until you taste it. Tasting is never like eating. When we hear a revelation on Television or in a conference that blesses us, you have just smelt it, now you need to go home and sit down to really make your own food based on the smell and then cook your own revelation. That is when you really get blessed.

You can’t serve your husband a “smell of a certain food!”

My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

Psa 63:5 (KJV)

Dear couples, this is how things work. Let’s get into real business as we eat well concerning areas where we are believing God.

May God grant you more understanding and bless the works of your hands and your marriage today.

I receive the grace to eat well for my marital destiny

Ask for wisdom and understanding for your marriage

Jeremiah 15:16 (KJV)Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

Study the word

Ps 63


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Let’s Go Ahead and Jeun Soke

Let’s Go Ahead and Jeun Soke

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I taught a message recently at our church on “What It Really Means To Jeun Soke! Below is a two-minute snippet from the message, which is the crux of today’s devotional. Kindly watch in two minutes before proceeding to read.

The two women decided to boil their children and eat! What could lead to this?

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

2Ki 6:28-29 (KJV)

What could engender such wickedness in a mother to the extent of making a meal out of her child? Women are not known for such expressions of wickedness and callousness? A woman’s love for her child is established.

But in the above scenario, mother’s love was thrown out of the window!

One of the women actually played out the script, her child was boiled, served, and eaten!

What led to this point where a mother was forced to do something abnormal is famine. They were famished and all sense of decorum flew away. Hunger led them into a place where absurdity took over.

Dear singles, you cannot allow your spirit man to be famished. The reason you find yourself in scenarios where you do things without mercy and consideration is because of spiritual hunger.

May you not get to the point where you boil your posterity.

You’ve got to learn to dive into God’s word and “Jeun Soke!

You’ve got to eat well before you embark on the journey of marriage, just as the angel encouraged Elijah to eat well because of the journey.

May God grant more understanding.

I will not starve my spirit man

Pray for strength to stay with the word

Jer 29:11 [AMP]For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Study the word

Jer 29


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The Jeun Soke Couple Will Always Do Well

The Jeun Soke Couple Will Always Do Well

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently at our church, I taught on “What It Really Means To Jeun Soke! Below is a two-minute snippet from the message, which is a summary of today’s devotional. Kindly watch in two minutes before reading.

Why would these two women decide to boil their children and eat? What could lead to this?

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow.  So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

2Ki 6:28-29 (KJV)

There was a loss of all sense of decorum and the norm, all because of intense hunger and famine. The reality is that a good man can easily become a nasty individual as a result of a famished soul.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

Dear husband and wife, it is not just wrong, but it is risky to be without food in your soul. It can lead to boiling of posterity. May that never be our portion in Jesus name!

The reason we often relate with our spouse without mercy or compassion is because we have not eaten well. Our spirit man is famished and it is causing us to misbehave and freely explore the absurdity.

Make up your mind as husband and wife, to eat well. You have to. It’s a decision you have to make. Your spiritual diet will often decide whether your seed or children will survive or not.

Dive into God’s word and Jeun Soke! Not just once daily and but as many times as you can. Keep eating that word, because that is where life is!

Good morning!

I will not starve my spirit man

Pray for strength to stay with the word

Jer 29:11 [AMP]For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Study the word

Jer 29


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What It Really Means To Jeun Soke By Pastor Dunamis (27th October 2021)

What It Really Means To Jeun Soke By Pastor Dunamis (27th October 2021)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What It Really Means To Jeun Soke was taught by Rev. Dunamis Okunowo on the 27th of October 2021 at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija-UI Road, Ibadan.

In his teaching, Rev. Dunamis made mention of the following important points:

Food is extremely important; the way you look today has somewhat to do with what you eat.

One of the first instructions of God to man was about what to eat and what not to eat.

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Genesis 2:16-17 (NKJV)

The devil tempted man through food.

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

Genesis 3:1 (NKJV)

Food can make a man lose his blessing.

And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

Genesis 25:34 (NKJV)

However food is for strength, not for pleasure.

And the angel of the LORD came back the second time, and touched him, and said, “Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.”

1 Kings 19:7 (NKJV)

Blessed are you, O land, when your king is the son of nobles, And your princes feast at the proper time– For strength and not for drunkenness!

Ecclesiastes 10:17 (NKJV)

Hunger can birth wickedness.

So we boiled my son, and ate him. And I said to her on the next day, ‘Give your son, that we may eat him’; but she has hidden her son.”

2 Kings 6:29 (NKJV)

You can’t afford to be hungry in the spirit, if not you will do things you did not imagine you can do.

It is when your spirit man is starved/famished that you slide into the flesh.

We are still considering what it really means to jeun soke.

How To eat

1. Find that which you need to eat

Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.

Jeremiah 15:16 (NKJV)

There’s first a finding process. This is a deliberate process.
There’s a labour of faith, where you labour for what to eat.

Before you embark on any journey (marriage, business, etc), eat well! The reason we often fall flat on our face is cos we don’t eat well before embarking on those tasks.

You eat for strength.
When you find and eat the word, a testimony will surely emerge from it

After you find, you must eat. The eating process is meditation. First of all you memorize it so that you can turn it in your heart anywhere you are. This is what it really means to jeun soke.

God cannot refuse His Word!

The more you think on that Scripture, the more circumstances align to make it come to pass.
God listens to His Word, not to some emotions or sentiments.

What you find and eat is what will work for you.

2. To eat is to obey

If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;

Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV)

3. You take communion constantly.

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.”

Mark 14:22 (NKJV)

The problem of humanity began with eating; the deliverance lies in eating too – eating the word, His body, and His blood.

The instructions of God are your gateways to wealth, increase, breakthrough, etc.

When you eat, it will show in your result.

To listen to messages of Rev Dunamis, go HERE or HERE

More Ways To Glorify God With Your Body

More Ways To Glorify God With Your Body

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are still on the journey of learning how to glorify God. Today, we will yet consider more ways to glorify God with your body; one way actually.

The way you eat.

Yes, your eating habit goes a long way to determine how you prioritize God.

Food is necessary, no doubt. We need it for our bodies to function well. Like fuel to a car, so is food for our bodies. The food you eat nourishes your body, helping it to develop as it should be. But how you eat and what you eat matters a lot.

As important as food is to you, not all food is nutritious for you. Yes, chocolate and ice cream are good, but they are not necessarily food and shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities and regularly.

Rather, eat food that will add the required nutrients to your body t aid you to grow both physically and mentally. Eat food that boosts your body’s ability to fight off diseases or sickness, so you don’t keep falling sick every week.

Don’t eat what will leave you fat, dull, and lacking energy. This could lead to depression at school or at home when friends or classmates make fun of you.

Over time, eating bad foods will affect our internal organs, which could lead to life-threatening ailments. You don’t want to put your parents in that situation, do you?

Eating well to nourish and build our bodies up is one way of keeping it holy for God.

The bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do you think the Holy Spirit would eat junk foods? Think about it!

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves.

1 Cor. 6:19 [ICB]

May God give you the grace to eat nourishing and bodybuilding foods. Amen.

Action plan:
Watch what you have been eating. Reduce your intake of junk foods or stop it totally.

I receive grace to eat healthily.

I will eat healthy foods only.

Read yesterday’s article here


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