Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are still on the journey of learning how to glorify God. Today, we will yet consider more ways to glorify God with your body; one way actually.

The way you eat.

Yes, your eating habit goes a long way to determine how you prioritize God.

Food is necessary, no doubt. We need it for our bodies to function well. Like fuel to a car, so is food for our bodies. The food you eat nourishes your body, helping it to develop as it should be. But how you eat and what you eat matters a lot.

As important as food is to you, not all food is nutritious for you. Yes, chocolate and ice cream are good, but they are not necessarily food and shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities and regularly.

Rather, eat food that will add the required nutrients to your body t aid you to grow both physically and mentally. Eat food that boosts your body’s ability to fight off diseases or sickness, so you don’t keep falling sick every week.

Don’t eat what will leave you fat, dull, and lacking energy. This could lead to depression at school or at home when friends or classmates make fun of you.

Over time, eating bad foods will affect our internal organs, which could lead to life-threatening ailments. You don’t want to put your parents in that situation, do you?

Eating well to nourish and build our bodies up is one way of keeping it holy for God.

The bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do you think the Holy Spirit would eat junk foods? Think about it!

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves.

1 Cor. 6:19 [ICB]

May God give you the grace to eat nourishing and bodybuilding foods. Amen.

Action plan:
Watch what you have been eating. Reduce your intake of junk foods or stop it totally.

I receive grace to eat healthily.

I will eat healthy foods only.

Read yesterday’s article here


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