Top Ten Quarrel Triggers in Relationships and Marriages

Top Ten Quarrel Triggers in Relationships and Marriages

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Top Ten Quarrel Triggers in Relationships and Marriages

  1. Failing to communicate

    Not making yourself clear, talking in “silence”, mumbling words and mono-syllable answers can often be the source of anger and irritation. Avoid them.

    Encourage one another daily… Hebrews 3:13a
  1. Expecting mind reading

    Use your words! Your fiancee or spouse is not the Holy Spirit who can pick up your thoughts. They are no magicians, so learn to use words!

    Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt.” Colossians 4:6

  2. Leaving messes behind

    Leaving your partner, to pick up socks, and clothes, clean the dishes, and attend to all you regularly scatter can be frustrating! Especially the sanguines, they seem anointed to scatter things and forget where they pick things from. It is now so frustrating if you are married, for example to a melancholy who is a perfectionist.

    Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10
  1. Being on devices 24/7

    Constantly on your phone and ignoring each other kills the vibe quickly, leaving the other person feeling neglected and insignificant. Put your phone aside and don’t degenerate to chatting with each other on the phone in the same house! How can you be married and lonely?

    Psa 68:6 (GW) God places lonely people in families. He leads prisoners out of prison into productive lives, but rebellious people must live in an unproductive land.
  1. Not splitting chores

    Feeling like the only one doing the whole work in the house can bring bad vibes quickly and trigger unnecessary quarrels. Be hands-on together and nobody should be cooking alone while the other is on computer games, day in and day out! That would be unfair. Love wouldn’t operate that way! Find something to do to help out!

    Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10

I will conclude on the Part 2 tomorrow. 

Good morning! 

Overcoming Darkness In Relationship and Marriage

Overcoming Darkness In Relationship and Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Overcoming Darkness In Relationships and Marriage

Everywhere was dark. The eerie blackness of the darkness was so real you could almost cut it with a knife. As Betty navigated her way back to the house, the scary moments of horror stories she had read growing up gnawed at her face.

The zombies in the movies crawled behind her. She could hear their footsteps, or so she thought! Fear and trepidation wrapped their fearful arms around her, and she began to shake and fidget as she walked. She stumbled and nearly fell because she could not see anything.

She prayed that the light would be restored. The streetlight had been faulty for over two weeks.

As she strolled on in fear, the light came on! She was elated! Her joy knew no bounds. Immediately, she looked back and saw there was nothing following her! She was happy! The restored light made a lot of difference.

As she strolled on, she remembered the scripture that best explained the moment.

Psa 18:28 (KJV) For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.

Wow! What darkness is around your relationship or marriage right now? Are you navigating through the complexities of modern Christian dating, seeking divine guidance in your courtship? God will light your candle!

That scripture uses the phrase “my darkness!” Has there been so much darkness in your relationship that it has become a personal struggle? Perhaps you’re facing challenges in communication, trust, or maintaining spiritual intimacy in your marriage.

Well, I have good news for you. God will enlighten your darkness. “Your darkness” will become “your light!” God will show you ways to reignite the spark in your Christian marriage and show you faith-based advice on balancing love and commitment!

I love the Message Translation.

Psa 18:28 (MSG) Suddenly, GOD, you floodlight my life; I’m blazing with glory, God’s glory!

Your life will be floodlighted! You will blaze with God’s glory! Whatever is hidden and shrouded in darkness, there is light in the name of Jesus!

Receive light in your relationship! God will show you the secrets to a happy, godly marriage and the keys to overcoming common relationship issues with biblical wisdom.

Receive light in your marriage! Learn Christian insights on marriage enrichment and relationship-building that align with God’s design for love.

Receive light in your finances! God will open your eyes to biblical principles of financial stewardship that will transform your marriage and family life.

Darkness flees away from your life in Jesus’ name! Light becomes your lot in Jesus’ name! It is a promise from God’s word, and that promise will become your reality!

Good morning!

Panacea For Your Love Life Part 2

Panacea For Your Love Life Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God’s Word As Panacea For Your Love Life Part 2

We looked at Number 1 yesterday! We will continue this morning!

Yesterday, we delved into the first one; let’s now continue our exploration.

2. God’s Word Will Ignite Hope for a Bright Future

Once your past is forgiven and forgotten, the divine words of God take on a new role—they birth hope within you. This hope becomes a crucial element, paving the way for the fullness of God’s blessings. Suddenly, a light shines in your heart, and hope springs to life, whispering that your story is far from over.

3. God’s Word Will Cultivate Unshakable Faith 

Faith, a force capable of conquering the world, finds its roots in the hearing of God’s word. As you immerse yourself in the scriptures, faith gradually blossoms within you. Why is faith pivotal? It is the very essence that empowers you to triumph in God!

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 KJV)

Let’s grasp the profoundness in the Message Translation:

“Every God–begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith.” (1 John 5:4 Message)

Did you catch that? Faith, derived from God’s word, possesses the power to humble the world and its systems. What a glorious revelation!

4. Illuminating Your Path: God’s Word as a Guide for Singles

Life demands decisions, and decisions determine direction. A good life, however, hinges not just on decisions but on making the right ones. Our human frailty succumbs to divine guidance, especially in choosing a life partner.

“The Lord is my shepherd” transforms from a mere statement to a vibrant reality when we embrace His word as our compass.

5. God’s Word Will Establish Stability in Relationships and Marriages

Infusing God’s word into your heart enhances your discernment, distinguishing between the right and wrong individuals. Stability becomes a paramount need in relationships and marriages.

Success in marriage necessitates divine wisdom, steering clear of the common pitfalls of separations and divorce.

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.” (Isaiah 33:6 KJV)

In conclusion, the transformative power of God’s word extends beyond personal growth, offering hope, building unshakable faith, guiding life choices, and ensuring stability in relationships. Embrace these revelations, and watch as your life unfolds in the brilliance of divine wisdom.

To be continued tomorrow

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How Lovers Can Communicate Better

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

This month is our Wedding Anniversary Month! Wow! Has God been good? By 20th Nov, it will be 24 years of living with my adorable angelic beauty! And for this, on some random days, we are going to be doing very huge discount on some of our products that will change your relationship or marriage! 

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Today is one such day! Today only!

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Back to our discourse for today. The greatest lover of our souls is God Himself! What has He been trying to do? It’s just one thing! To keep communication with us! 

In a world filled with constant distractions, communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Effective communication is not just about talking; it’s about understanding, empathizing, and connecting with your partner on a deeper level. 

This devotional aims to provide you with invaluable insights into how lovers can communicate better, enhancing the quality of their relationship and, ultimately, bringing them closer together.

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

The Power of Active Listening

A major aspect of effective communication is active listening. It’s not merely waiting for your turn to speak but genuinely absorbing what your partner is saying. 

I used to be right on this table! I would just be looking for something with which to give a resounding logical reply without actually listening! Can you imagine? Listen well and deliberately and you will connect more with your spouse! 

When you actively listen, you show respect and empathy, which are key ingredients for successful communication.

Practice active listening by maintaining eye contact, nodding in agreement, and asking open-ended questions. This creates an open and inviting atmosphere for your partner to express themselves.

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

Choose Your Words Wisely

Words can cut and lacerate! Words can proceed as weapons of massive destruction tearing everything apart that it collides with. It can also be an agent of peace, a tool of tranquility, and a wrath killer! How are you using words with your spouse?

Words have a profound impact on our relationships. A thoughtless phrase can lead to misunderstandings and even conflicts. To communicate better with your partner, it’s essential to choose your words wisely and speak with kindness and consideration.

Before speaking, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. This will help you communicate in a calmer and more composed manner.

Check the info above and don’t miss the huge discount today only!

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The Strong Desire That Comes With Love

The Strong Desire That Comes With Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Strong Desire That Comes With Love

Here is a story of two lovers

Son 2:3-7 (MSG)  
As an apricot tree stands out in the forest, my lover stands above the young men in town. All I want is to sit in his shade, to taste and savor his delicious love.  

Well, born again or not, there is a strong desire that comes with falling in love.

If you like, speak in tongues till tomorrow, this desire will not go.

But what can be subdued is lust that often wants to tag along, like Lot tagged along with Abraham.

Yes, the desire will not go, because there is nothing wrong with the desire, it is the fulfillment of the desire at the wrong time that gets us into trouble.

So, all you want when you fall in love is to sit down in each other’s shade, with feelings of wanting to taste and savor the delicious love.

The Strong Desire That Comes With Love

I felt like that. She felt like that. But we waited. You can wait as well.

No matter how intense the desire is, do not taste that love before the wedding.

Tasting love and consummating your love before the wedding is like stealing a lump of hot meat from the pot of stew before it is ready.

Your taste bud gets burnt and you can lose your sense of taste, which ultimately leads to tasting more pot of stew that doesn’t belong to you! 

If you have already started doing this as singles, then there is a clarion call this morning to stop and now get yourself onto unnecessary problems that are never part of your destiny! 

The Strong Desire That Comes With Love

For married couples, you are licensed to sit in his shade, to keep tasting, relishing, and delighting in each other’s love! What is forbidden here is looking outside for pleasure. You are now married, you can admire others but shouldn’t desire them.

You now need to focus on the one you have married and pleasure one another. To look outside is not only greed and covetousness but also lust, which your maker frowns at! Dear husband, dear wife, FOCUS!

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