Three Things Every Couple Needs

Three Things Every Couple Needs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every once in a while, every husband and wife needs these three things. It basically takes care of most of the needs we have.

My husband is very busy and I’m sometimes amazed at how he joggles many things together. The mere fact that he never went to any computer school nor had any formal training and he knows so much keeps me amazed.

He designs the KHC website and other sites and manages all our outfit online including our podcasts. Sometimes, he has to research all by himself for days and sometimes burn the night candle to get things done.

He also has a church to take care of, bills to pay and a family to look after. He also has stay at the cutting edge of ministry which involves a lot of prayers and studying God’s word.

As his wife, I have to provide the most conducive environment for him to function at an ultimate level, avoid strife and be very understanding.

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I most confess here, I do fall short of my responsibilities at times, but thank God for His Spirit and Grace that always helps me.

My husband has to teach me and tell me how important my support is to him.

I also feel we are meant to create the support system our spouses need. Husbands to wives and wives to husbands, we all need these support systems if not, the purpose of marriage is defeated.

Tomorrow, I would share just three of these support we can give each other at any given time.

God bless your marriage.

I pray for my spouse and encourage him/her with my words.

Lord, help me to sow good seeds into my marriage

Ephesians 5:31. (KJV) For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

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Three Secrets Every Couple Should Know

Three Secrets Every Couple Should Know

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The main focus and intention of God for marriage is that the couple bond. Bonding is a strong word and we need to take note of it.

The whole essence of marriage is that the husband and wife bond together, spirit, soul and body.

That’s why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person.

Gen 2:24 CEV

Bonding is both a spiritual act and a process.

It is God that takes care of the spiritual aspect. The process aspect of bonding is our responsibility to fulfill.

Both the husband and wife have various and different role to achieving bonding – a state of becoming one flesh, as a person.

I will like to mention 3 secret that helps us in becoming one flesh continuously.

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1. Proximity
2. Jeru trip
3. Food

1. Proximity
If bonding and one flesh is to be achieved, then couples will have to be close to each other.
The first step to bonding is ‘leaving to cleave’. There must be a physical cleaving. Husband and wife should be close to each other.

Every opportunity to be together should be maximized. Couple need to fight against whatever might want to keep them separate.

Some jobs are anti marriage. They don’t value or respect your marriage vows.

You have to make choices and honor what God honors.
Some promotions and transfer should be rejected and God will honor us for choosing God rather than wealth or riches or the worlds standard.

My mum had opportunity to travel out for a nursing job, but she refused. She said she would rather stay with her young family than leave us vulnerable and exposed.

Thank God for her sacrifice then, we are a product of her sacrifice.

As couples, we have to pay the price for proximity.

There are some transfer or staying apart that are very necessary. You must be willing to make sacrifices and go the extra mile to ensure you are close. (Just be led by God’s Spirit.)

You must be willing to spend more money on calling each other everyday, do video calls.

Some couples are near yet far from each other.
Be on the same page with your husband. Don’t take each other for granted. It is a continuous working to keep both husband and wife together.

Let our aim in our marriage be ‘to become one flesh’ and the Lord will help us in Jesus name.

God bless our marriage.

I become one flesh with my spouse.

Lord, grant me understanding to take this up as my priority above all else.

Gen 2:24 CEV That’s why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person.

Begin to work at being close with each other.

Gen 2


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How To Keep Love Alive In Marriage – Part 2

How To Keep Love Alive In Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started on the topic of keeping love alive in our marriages in yesterday’s devotional. Let’s delve in the remaining things we need to keep love alive.

2. Don’t Compare

The grass always seem greener at the other side. Never fall for the comparison trap.

Don’t compare other couples or marriages with your own.

Yes, you can learn from them but never compare.

The truth is you never know that other husband or wife.

Every good marriage you admire sacrificed on their path to get to where they are now.

So rather than compare and blame your spouse for not being like husband A, work on your own marriage, pay your own price and make your own sacrifices.

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3. Don’t withdraw

The withdrawal syndrome is one thing that destroys a marriage fast.

It’s a temporary shield you build around yourself to avoid confronting and dealing with issues.

Don’t withdraw into work, yourself, your passion, activity, church project, children, porn, friends, outings or keeping late nights.

When you hide in withdrawal, you have simply created a vacuum for the devil to fill in your home.

You need to understand each other’s temperament and know how to lovingly respect each other’s differences.

Extroverts and introverts are very different and handle issues differently.

Give each other space. Allow your spouse grow without nagging them.

Be patient with your demands. Don’t expect your wife to change over night. Let the fruit of the spirit grow and manifest in your life.

Allow your marriage to grow. Let it blossom.

If you are presently experiencing a not too pleasant moment in your marriage, let grace flow towards you now, releasing peace, strength and courage to you.

I pray for you, may God’s love and a fresh love for your spouse be shed abroad in your heart now in Jesus name.


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The Jeun Soke Couple Will Always Do Well

The Jeun Soke Couple Will Always Do Well

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently at our church, I taught on “What It Really Means To Jeun Soke! Below is a two-minute snippet from the message, which is a summary of today’s devotional. Kindly watch in two minutes before reading.

Why would these two women decide to boil their children and eat? What could lead to this?

And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow.  So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

2Ki 6:28-29 (KJV)

There was a loss of all sense of decorum and the norm, all because of intense hunger and famine. The reality is that a good man can easily become a nasty individual as a result of a famished soul.

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Dear husband and wife, it is not just wrong, but it is risky to be without food in your soul. It can lead to boiling of posterity. May that never be our portion in Jesus name!

The reason we often relate with our spouse without mercy or compassion is because we have not eaten well. Our spirit man is famished and it is causing us to misbehave and freely explore the absurdity.

Make up your mind as husband and wife, to eat well. You have to. It’s a decision you have to make. Your spiritual diet will often decide whether your seed or children will survive or not.

Dive into God’s word and Jeun Soke! Not just once daily and but as many times as you can. Keep eating that word, because that is where life is!

Good morning!

I will not starve my spirit man

Pray for strength to stay with the word

Jer 29:11 [AMP]For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Study the word

Jer 29


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Prerequisite For A Successful Marriage – Part 2

Prerequisite For A Successful Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The second thing that must be present in every marriage that will succeed has to do with communication.

2. Constant Communication
A man was once asked what the three most important things in a marriage are.

His response:

1. Communication

2. Communication
3. Communication

Do I agree? Yes, I fully do!

When communication dies, assumptions, suspicions, lies and deception will take over. There is nothing as beautiful as a marriage where both parties can fully express themselves.

Hear each other out!

When a man talks, his goal may be a logical explanation, but when a woman talks, it is more than an explanation, it is a release; an emotional release. So every time she is muted, there are pent-up tensions being stored up for a later time.  

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It is akin to the molten magma within, nothing shows on the surface much, but one day, the magma can no longer hold still, there will be a volcanic eruption causing untold havocs!

Unexplained hurts, unexpressed bitterness, are all like the molten magma in the belly of the ground.

So, when you tell your spouse to “shut up” continually, and it looks as though you are in charge and winning, well, you are not really in winning, you are actually losing!

Allow free expression in your matrimonial home. 

3. Renewal and Recharge Junctions
In marriage, you must learn to take breaks from work and relax. You have to have time that you spend together as husband and wife.

You need to go back to what used to excite you before wedding and do those things again and again. 

Apart from reading your Bible and praying in the Holy Ghost which re-fires you and recharges your spirit, you should also learn to be relaxed once in a while.

4. Mentoring 
Every marriage must have a mentor that you defer to and seek wisdom from.  

There is something that a couple who has been married for thirty years know that a three-year-old couple is oblivious of.

It is plain wisdom to seek counsel.
Most issues that lead to serious strife and possible separation and divorce could easily have been resolved by seeking knowledge.

That is why I am a little scared of couples who talk to nobody! Something is not quite right with that. Part of having a marriage mentor is being humble.

5. Sincerity and Openness
Finally, this is so crucial to the survival of any marriage!

Be open! Marriage is not a secret cult! Talk about everything and anything.


Hiding things and allowing your spouse to discover will only lead to mistrust and suspicion.

The rule of the game is to talk about everything. That will go a long way to establish trust.

If you keep talking exactly how it is, it would be difficult to go into adultery, because adultery is perpetuated in the platform insincerity and deception 

May God help us all.

I will pray for my loved one


Lord, teach me to pray

Jas 4:7 (KJV) Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Pray in the spirit

John 6


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