Building Capacity As Singles and Couples

Building Capacity As Singles and Couples

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Building Capacity As Singles and Couples 

In simple terms, capacity building simply means developing your skills and abilities to improve your performance and productivity.

This can be applied to your work or career where you aspire to become a better person.

This can also be applied to your relationship and or marriage where you want to become a better spouse to your loved one.

Building Capacity As Singles and Couples 

Now, developing or building capacity can be done in a variety of ways which include sharpening yourself, going back to school, self-study and self-development, and so on.

For example, you can build the capacity to be a better husband or wife by giving yourself to study and research on how to become better and following through on what you learn.

Now, the major question is usually knowing what to do but never doing it for one reason or the other.

You know you should give yourself to self-study but the whole year is almost gone and you can’t point to one book that you have read successfully!

Why do I know what to do but never do them?

Your diary is filled with all kinds of instructions and wisdom, which you have never put to use. You listen to messages day after day but never have enough impetus to act on what is there!

Building Capacity As Singles and Couples 

What is the thing to do? Here it is

Eph 3:14-16 (MSG) My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, [15] this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. [16] I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—

You need to ask for strength in your inner man so that you can do the things you have always known you should do, but you are not doing!

I love the word Amplified Bible used

Eph 3:16 (AMPC) May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

You need to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power!

A power that will go deep into your innermost being and personality, alter lazy attitudes, and give you strength to do what needs to be done! 

I pray for you, to receive strength in your inner man in Jesus’ name!


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Here Is How To Love Your Spouse

Here Is How To Love Your Spouse

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How do you know how to love your spouse? This is an all-important question that we all try to answer ever since we got married. We all are still trying to answer it and we will still be answering it till death do us part. It is an awesome truth that only death is supposed to part husband and wife. Apart from that, no other thing is permitted to separate us.

Some of us need to learn and be taught how to love our spouses. No matter how complex they are, you have the capacity to love your spouse with the love of God. It is actually spiritual to love your husband/wife. There is nothing carnal in loving your spouse.

These are some ways

1. Love God first of all
This is the very first step in loving your husband/wife, love God. A spouse that doesn’t love God cannot love his/her spouse. God is love and it takes a heart that knows God to love. You love God by loving His Word and doing His will.

When you love God this way, it becomes easier for you loving your spouse because you would have developed the capacity to love and put the flesh under. Human nature is generally selfish and does not want to love unconditionally.

 God expects us to love our spouse unconditionally.

2. Know that you need God all the way
Loving God is not something you do half half-heartedly or once and for all or once in a while. Because you cannot fully know God completely, you have to keep yearning for more of him. The more you discover about God, the more you want to love him. So in loving God, you become a God chaser.

I have seen in my own experience that, the more I chase after God the better I love my husband

To be continued…

I know how to love my spouse. I have God’s wisdom

Lord, help me to know and understand how to love my spouse.

“Finally, all [ of you ] should be of one and the same mind (united in spirit), sympathizing [ with one another ], loving [ each other ] as brethren [ of one household ], compassionate and courteous (tenderhearted and humble).” (1Pe 3:8, AMP)

Start loving appropriately

Hosea 1 – 7


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