When To Think About Breaking Up  

When To Think About Breaking Up  

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When To Think About Breaking Up. Should we call it quits or not?

I’ll give you some useful advice today. A little heartbreak is preferable to a lifetime of heartbreak. You might wish to thoroughly consider your choices while praying before making a choice. Keeping this in mind, decisions are what ultimately define us.

1. Keep your future and destiny in mind

When falling in love, it is crucial to keep the future in mind. Can you envision him or her in your future? Is faith in harmony? Are there tasks that must be completed jointly in destiny?

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2. Think about your genotype

As an illustration, AS and AS are off-limits. Avoid deep commitments before learning about your genetics.

A few days of suffering and heartbreak are preferable to a lifetime of suffering and regret.

When To Think About Breaking Up  

3. If they have not repented of their sins

If he or she is an atheist or a believer who still engages in frequent sin and shows no sign of repentance. The things of God are treated lightly, and no attempts are being made to get closer to God. He or she is not a churchgoer. You might avoid having a regretful future if you break up.

4. If a person has numerous character defects

Although nobody is flawless, some character defects cannot be overlooked. A break would be preferable if the person abuses alcohol, tobacco, womanizing, fraud, or violence in any way.


5. If the love isn’t genuine

A breakup is a better alternative if the love is imbalanced and he or she loves you for what he or she can obtain from you. The partnership has no genuine foundation.

When To Think About Breaking Up  

6. If there is widespread parental and family opposition

If after prayers, attempts, and exhausting all feasible possibilities, there is still a strong parental disapproval despite prayers, you may wish to contemplate a breakup. In the long run, it may turn out to be direction.

Remember that as God’s child, He desires the best for us and our future.

God’s blessings on you.


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How Jane’s Tongues Led To A Break-Up – Part 2

How Jane’s Tongues Led To A Break-Up – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started looking at this topic yesterday.

Let’s look at more points to note that will set the link between spirituality and tongues straight.

5. The Flesh Dimension

Judging a person’s spiritual depth by how the tongue sounds is operating in the flesh and walking in pride. The flesh will always be wrong and will lead to wrong conclusions.

6. Same-Word Tongues

Some can be repeating the same words (as it sounds to your ears) and yet be communicating with God.

For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. – Isaiah 28:11 (KJV)

7. Utterance Is By The Spirit

Nobody determines how his tongue will sound. The utterance is given by the Holy Spirit.

But that’s exactly how you will be addressed. God will speak to this people In baby talk, one syllable at a time— Isaiah 28:11 (MSG)

The effectiveness of tongues is not in the vocal rhymes and vowels, but in the result that shows in your life.

8. Don’t Be Deceived

Some of the finest tongues to the ears were spoken by unrepentant fornicators and men of evil and perverse mind. Don’t be deceived.

There are experts in tongue-talking who are experts in sexual perversion!

9. There Are Counterfeits

There is a counterfeit of tongues. Every original stuff has its fake. There are tongues used to summon demons by Satanists.

There are familiar spirits. This is the answer to the puzzle wherein you see adulterers and fornicators performing miracles and giving words of knowledge.

There are familiar spirits, lying wonders of the devil, and manipulations of the occult.

Don’t be caught with a man who performs wonders and yet has character defects. They don’t go together. 

Get out of churches where the Pastor who is married is attempting to sleep with you. Don’t fry yourself alive!

10. Rest and Refreshing

When you speak in tongues regularly, it will bring you into rest, refreshing, and give you direction.

To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. – Isaiah 28:12 (KJV)

Tongues are to edify you and to strengthen you in the inner man.

If with all your tongues, you end up sleeping around, committing serial abortions, compromising every day, something is wrong somewhere. Get help and stop being proud of your tongues.

Tongues are not meant to clean you up so that you can go back into sin and then speak in more tongues and then go back again. It is to lead you into consecration and not into a habitual lifestyle of sin.


I will not be carnally minded.

Lord, help me not to choose by the flesh

Rom 8:6 NKJV For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Forgive and forget

Rom 8


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How Jane’s Tongues Led To A Break-Up

How Jane’s Tongues Led To A Break-Up

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jane sat before me, completely downcast. She was exasperated.

“Pastor, I don’t really understand.” She said

“What is the issue?”

“Pastor, Scott broke up with me! I mean, I could not believe it. I was so sure I had found my God-ordained man.

“What was his reason for doing that?”

“Pastor, you wouldn’t believe it.”

“Tell me”

“Because of my tongues!”

“What happened to your tongues?”

“He said my tongues are monosyllables. That it is not diverse tongues!”

There are many people who have found themselves in the shoes of Jane or Scott as the case may be.

One guy actually told a lady, “All your tongues are not more than Sanda…Sanda…Sanda… When will you ever get a shoe when you don’t know more than Sandal?”

While this may seem hilarious, most people keep on making this mistake.

Here are a few points to note that will set the link between spirituality and tongues straight.

1. A Spiritual Experience

Speaking in tongues is a spiritual experience. You cannot use your physical ears to judge or decode what is being said and the import of what is being communicated. 

2. Communication With God

Whoever is speaking in tongues is essentially communicating with God. It is none of your business how it sounds to your ears!

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.1 Corinthians 14:2 (KJV)

3. The One-Syllable Myth

A person can utter one syllable and yet might have communicated a volume of Information. 

This is why the complimentary gift is called “Gift of INTERPRETATION and not TRANSLATION.

4. Relationship With God

The spirituality of a tongue is never determined in the rich vowels or how it sounds to the ears, it is determined more from the relationship that person has with God.

To be continued tomorrow!

I will not be carnally minded.

Lord, help me not to choose by the flesh

Rom 8:6 NKJV For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Speak in tongues for 1 hour

Rom 8


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Questions To Ask Before A Break Up Or Divorce

Questions To Ask Before A Break Up Or Divorce

Reading Time: 4 minutes

God hates divorce. It is not always God’s best option.

Here is the scripture:

“I hate divorce,” says the God of Israel. God-of-the-Angel-Armies says, “I hate the violent dismembering of the ‘one flesh’ of marriage.” So watch yourselves. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t cheat. Mal.2:16 MSG

I must however be quick to say that there are genuine instances where divorce is recommended. God intends that a man and woman should be in marriage as long as they are alive, but He has also made exceptions and this is what we want to look at from the scriptures.

When people remarry under the circumstances that we will be looking at, they should not entertain any condemnation again from the devil.

1. The Question of Marital unfaithfulness
The first exception for divorce that God made has to do with unfaithfulness. This has to do with adulterous sin or any other sexual sin.

But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery:and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. (Matthew 5:32 KJV)

When there is marital unfaithfulness and sexual sin is involved, the marriage covenant is broken. As a result of this, the other spouse is freed. There have been cases where the spouse is willing to forgive and move on especially in instances where he or she has indirectly contributed to the spouses’ infidelity.  But in cases where the spouse is unrepentant from the unfaithfulness, divorce becomes valid.

The reasons are obvious. A man or woman who is sexually and unrepentantly promiscuous can bring home a sexually transmitted disease. This cannot be God’s will. I once watched a documentary of seven women who all tested positive to HIV and the disease was already at an advanced stage. In each of the instances, the woman had been faithful, but had been unfortunately married to an unfaithful man who transmitted the disease! They faced their deaths because they were married to sexually irresponsible men!

2. The Question of Abandonment or Desertion
The next scenario is when the spouse is unsaved and really wants to end the marriage. This often plays out by the uninterested spouse walking away from the marriage and abandoning his or her spouse. In such cases, the spouse is not obligated to stay.

But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. (1 Corinthians 7:15 KJV)

When the person abandoned gets remarried, it is not considered adultery. I have had to handle cases where some women’s husbands have abandoned them for upward of ten years! The emotional trauma and sense of isolation is tremendous and some of such women have gone on to become women of easy virtue because of the obvious vulnerability. When a spouse walks away for some five to seven years, something is definitely wrong somewhere. He keeps promising he is going to come back, but he might never! You need to answer the questions above.

3. The Question of Intense brutality which can be physical, mental, and or sexual abuse
This is another valid reason for divorce. It is not easy to live with a man who you are not sure of his love for you. Having to live in the same house with a man who can strangle you and end your life before daylight can be very crushing. When either spouse has been brutalized, this is often seen as equivalent to ‘desertion.’ It is often called constructive desertion.

When your life is no longer safe, when you have been battered over and over again, it is not worth it in such marriages. Not a few women have lost their lives in the hands of abusive spouses. If your spouse attacks you physically and then apologizes and stops, please kindly embrace him back. It is not appropriate to jump to a conclusion and head for divorce because of a mistake he makes after you aggravated him.

But talking candidly to men, never raise your hand against your wife. It is not manly and it is not godly. That woman was given to you so that you can protect her, not end her life. I know some ladies can be very sharp-mouthed and extremely rude, but when you see her as one with you, you will patiently resolve all issues rather than resort to violence.

When your spouse forces you into sexual sins and into perversions, don’t keep quiet. Seek help and seek counsel. Ask him questions.

In conclusion, I will still tell you that divorce is never the best! Do all you can to fight for your marriage until it becomes absolutely impossible to continue in that marriage! This also means that such flimsy excuses as irreconcilable differences, lack of love, incompatibility, different career goals, and so on are not valid grounds for divorce.

For singles, you can prevent divorce by not rushing into a marriage with a man you don’t know. You don’t go into marriage haphazardly; you go into it deliberately, intentionally, and consciously following God’s plan and injunctions.

Happy new month!

I ask the right questions.

Lord, help me to ask the right questions

Mal 2:15 (GW) Didn’t God make you one? Your flesh and spirit belong to him. And what does the same God look for but godly descendants? So be careful not to be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.

Ask questions.

Mal 2


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