How To Have  A Blast and Still Be Blessed

How To Have A Blast and Still Be Blessed

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How To Have A Blast and Still Be Blessed. Sally and George were so deeply in love! However, George wanted Sally to do certain things for him which were like crossing the red line for Sally. Sally was caught in the middle. She so much loved George but she also adored God. It was a tug of war between the flesh and the spirit.

Can one really have a blast and still be blessed? Yeah, right! You can have a blast and still be blessed in your relationship! You can have a blast in your relationship without displeasing God or losing His favour in the process.

Sally was confused. She wept severally because she loved George and she loved God. She knew she had to drop one. It was a hard decision for her. The thought of dropping George seemed suicidal. The thought of dropping God is pure hell. What would she do?

As she sat in my office seeking counsel, I had compassion for her. I knew what to tell her, but I prayed for a pearl of wisdom for the right vehicle for my words to avoid a destiny accident. Love issues can be very tricky!

“Pastor, what should I do?” I looked at her. Her mien was that of one who knows what to do but lacks the strength to do so.

“Have you been sexually involved?” I asked her

She hesitated. Her head bowed, her countenance taking a duck, I knew the answer right away!

Sheepishly, she said “Yes Pastor, but we asked for forgiveness!”

“I am not here to condemn you daughter” I chipped in so that guilt will not convolute the conversation and the devil will not explore that loophole.

“It was only five times,” she said,

“Okay, my daughter.”

“You are in a battle between your soul and your flesh. The flesh wants George. Your soul needs God. The confusion is there because there has been a compromise. Every time there is a compromise, the soul gets confused.

“Think about this daughter. George is the lover of your flesh. God is the lover of your soul. To know what to do, you have to get into your spirit. The struggle is real but the truth is there.

Gal 5:17a (MKJV
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.

Don’t be in a rush. God is not an author of confusion. Take some time and have a sincere conversation with God. I don’t want to call it prayer. Just talk to God. From your spirit, your belly, in your knower, you will know the truth, and when you know what to do, however painful it might seem, take that decision.

Let me warn you, emotionally, it won’t be easy, but eternally, it will be a blessing!

Remember this, God knows best! He will never lead you wrong and He will never abandon you!” The safest place to be is God’s side! This is How To Have A Blast and Still Be Blessed

“Thanks, Pastor.”

As she stood up to leave, I added, “I think the greatest misery a person can find himself is to seek pleasing his lover while displeasing God. Things are going to get awry quickly.

“I understand sir,” she said. 

I will not disappoint God. 


Lord, help me to the needful and not just listen my flesh

Gal 5:16-17 (MKJV) I say, then, Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. [17] For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. And these are contrary to one another; lest whatever you may will, these things you do.

Decide for God, and not for your flesh!

Gal 5


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Cultivating The Habit of Thanksgiving

Cultivating The Habit of Thanksgiving

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The habit of thanksgiving is good. In fact, it makes everyone around you want to do something for you, you know why? That’s because everyone loves to be appreciated.

Let me show you something interesting. Even the bible says we should give thanks in everything.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
KJV 1Thessalonia 5:18

Giving thanks is God’s will for us as his children. His desire is for us to be appreciative of everything and anything.

The bible says “in everything”, another translation says “in every circumstances.”

In essence, all the time is when we should give thanks.

Giving thanks or saying thank you shows you are a grateful person, and grateful people get more things, unlike someone that isn’t appreciative.

So many things happen when we give thanks, to God, our parents, friends and everyone.

1. You make the person receiving the thanks or appreciation happy

2. You get blessed the more. It’s very simple, if you say thank you for biscuits you’ll get more. Try it.

3. You can multiply what you have by giving thanks.

Remember Jesus, when he fed the five thousand, he gave thanks and broke the bread, then gave his disciples to share.
He feed five thousand people and more with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

How do you learn this habit?

1. By asking the Holy Spirit to help you be a grateful person.

2. By thanking God all the time for what you have.

3. By being appreciative each time you get something.

Lord, help me to be thankful always; Amen.

Action point:
Study the word “gratitude”

I am grateful to God. I thank my maker every day of my life.

Read yesterday’s article here


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What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 2 HERE

Most importantly, a blessed man or woman can cast out demons. He or she can take charge of the spiritual milieu of the house. That is what you should go for.

Not a man or woman that will drag you to a herbalist’s house in your hour of need.

You need a blessed man or woman that can speak in tongues! Not just hot legs, but hot legs plus hot heart for God. That is what you need.

What is the purpose of marrying a beautiful lady with an empty head?

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful face on an empty head. – Proverbs 11:22 (MSG)

Hey, ladies, KHC daughters, listen to me, you need a man that can intreat the Lord for you!

Further down in the chapter we are studying, that was what Isaac did for his wife!

And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. – Genesis 25:21 (KJV)

Message Translation says Isaac prayed hard. You need a man/woman that can pray hard when you are down!

Two weeks before I got married, my wife collapsed and was hospitalized. It was an attack. My in laws did not know what to do. She was on drip for three days and had not opened her eyes.

When they told me over the qphone (those old NITEL boxes), I traveled to Abeokuta where she was, and discharged her. I put a stop to the attacks and asked that the life of God flow int her. She opened her eyes, sat up and asked for food. Even the doctor was amazed at the power of God.

That did not happen because I was a Pastor, it happened because I could intreat the Lord. That is part of the blessing!

I will have to stop here this morning.

May heaven assist you to find that blessed special man or woman!

Put your hands on your head, go ahead and speak in tongues a little.

I call your relationship blessed. I call your courtship blessed. I call your marriage blessed. I call your family blessed. I call your home blessed. I call your children blessed.

Now, I pray for you, by the unction on me this morning as I write, everything that looks like a curse, everything that is a departure from God’s promises over you and yours, is removed in Jesus name!

I have been commanded to bless, so with God’s authority over my life and ministry, this morning, I call you blessed!

Go out today declaring that you are blessed and see what the Lord will do today and in the next seven days!

I am blessed so I attract the blessed.

Lord I receive the gift of a blessed man

1Pe 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous

Pray for a blessed man

John 10


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My Children Are A Blessing

My Children Are A Blessing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Children are a blessing. The more children you have, the more blessed you are (little wonder the bible says happy is man who has his quiver full of them).

There is a Scripture I will show you now; one that we need to rejoice and be glad about. In that scripture, God was decreeing and declaring that apart from being a blessing, our children are gifts from Him. Take a look at that Scripture:

Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD.

Psa 127:3  CEV

How would you treat a gift you received from someone you esteem?
That is exactly how children ought to be treated.

You and I know God never gives bad gifts. His gifts to us are beautiful and special because of His steadfast love for us.

Our children are a special gift to us, so as parents, we are blessed because of the presence of these little ones in our lives.

What do you do then?
Go ahead and give God thanks for the gift of children. Thank Him for your children are a blessing. Amen


I am blessed for having children.


Pray that your children are blessed.

Read yesterday’s article here


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