How Powerful is Your Dream?

How Powerful is Your Dream?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello Champ! Trust you had a good night rest. I have a question for you this morning, and it goes thus: What are your biggest dreams?

As a young child, your imagination more than an adult is very active.

Most of your night times are full of dreams, and some of these dreams might appear impossible in the eyes of others. I totally understand.

Do you know that there is a Bible character who also had big dreams and upon sharing with his brothers and parents, they all didn’t believe him?

His name is Joseph, you must have read about him in your Bible story as “Joseph the Dreamer”

Guess what happened to Joseph at the end of it all? His dreams came to pass.

Yours too can. Think of the greatest thing in the world. As long as your mind can think about it then you can have!

Let me shock you a bit.

Do you know that even the things that your mind can never think of, God is able to make them come to pass?

Ask me how I know!

The bible says

…Yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. – Isa 46:11b (KJV)

So my dear children, don’t stop dreaming. Don’t get tired of seeing the future.

God bless you! Amen

Lord, help me to dream and dream big.

Action point:
Have you ever been scared of dreaming big? Shake off that feeling and go for the best.

I am a big dreamer.

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Dreaming Big – Part 3 – It’s Time To Learn

Dreaming Big – Part 3 – It’s Time To Learn

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Okay, you know what you want to become. You have discovered your passion for taking care of animals or painting or something else. It’s time to move on. It’s time to learn.

Start taking the steps that will move you closer to achieving your dreams. This is about getting education. It could be formal or informal.

If your dream is to be a painter, you need to take classes in art. These classes will expose you to the world of art – artists, art principles, art styles, etc. Knowing these things will help you become a better artist. You need to learn. Applying all you have learnt coupled with your talent, will further make you create great artworks and your fame spread far and wide over the world.

Just like Samuel in the bible, he had to learn under the prophet Eli before he could become a prophet too. When Samuel first heard the voice of God, he thought it was Eli calling him. It was only after going to Eli that he was told what to do and who was calling Him

It’s going to take time for you to become excellent at what you want to become. Learning doesn’t take place in a day, but over a particular period of time.

Learning is important as you dream big. You must learn.

May the Lord expose you to the best learning experiences in your quest towards greatness, Amen.


Lord, help me as I learn to become what I desire to be. Give me the best teachers, schools, and experiences. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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How To Dream Big Even As Children

How To Dream Big Even As Children

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What’s a dream? Not what happens when you close your eyes and sleep at night. This type of dream is what you hope to become when you grow older. It’s what you imagine yourself to be. Maybe an athlete, drummer, doctor, teacher, software programmer, or developer. It’s the professional you want to become.

The first step towards dreaming big about what you hope to become in the future is discovering what you want to become in the future. No one becomes anything without first seeing themselves becoming that. It’s what you choose to become – what you have a passion for that you will become. That’s your dream.

How do you discover this passion? Look around you, what do you like to do? If you like to draw and paint, that could mean a future in art is your profession. Do you like taking care of animals –  it could mean you have a calling as a veterinary doctor. Think about what you like to do the most. That is how you will discover your passion. That could then become your dream.

You can also ask the people around you like your parents, friends or siblings. Or even speak to a guidance counselor about this. They can point you in the direction to go.

The best way is still to pray about it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you choose well. Ask Him to help you dream.

“You are my God; teach me to do your will. Be good to me, and guide me on a safe path.” Psalms 143: 10 GNB.

Through His guidance, you will discover what He wants you to do.

May the Holy Spirit guide you towards your purpose, In Jesus, name. Amen.


Sweet Holy Spirit, show me what you want me to do. Help me to have the right dream. Show me how to fulfill my purpose through my passion. Amen.

Action plan:

Ask people for help in this area and pray also.

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Know That Your God Is So Big

Know That Your God Is So Big

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever thought about how big God will be? You can think about it now. If you do, then you will discover that God is so big. Yeah, your Jehovah is so mighty. He’s so strong and so great as well. And there’s nothing He cannot do for you. There’s even a song about that too: “You are big, big, big…” Do you know that song?

It’s no lie about the how big God is. Take a look at the whole earth, the one that this our great Elohim created. There is no other earth anywhere! So look at the whole earth. Check out the different animals with their various looks, sounds, and attributes. Check out the plants and trees all around us also. That should show you that God is so big.

How about the water bodies? Look into the water bodies and examine all the living creatures in them. You will be marvelled at what you will find. When you are through with that, then face the sky and count the stars, feel the sun on your face and the glow of the moon on the ground. These will prove to you, beyond every reasonable doubt that God is so big.

That’s how a big God does. And He does big things for us – for you and for me. And there’s nothing He cannot do or be for you and for me. That is comforting to know, right? Let that be your confidence as you go through life.

May God continue to be big in your life in Jesus’ name. Amen.


God, please come be big and bigger in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:

How bigger do you think Jehovah can be? How big can He be in your life?

Read yesterday’s article here