Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever thought about how big God will be? You can think about it now. If you do, then you will discover that God is so big. Yeah, your Jehovah is so mighty. He’s so strong and so great as well. And there’s nothing He cannot do for you. There’s even a song about that too: “You are big, big, big…” Do you know that song?

It’s no lie about the how big God is. Take a look at the whole earth, the one that this our great Elohim created. There is no other earth anywhere! So look at the whole earth. Check out the different animals with their various looks, sounds, and attributes. Check out the plants and trees all around us also. That should show you that God is so big.

How about the water bodies? Look into the water bodies and examine all the living creatures in them. You will be marvelled at what you will find. When you are through with that, then face the sky and count the stars, feel the sun on your face and the glow of the moon on the ground. These will prove to you, beyond every reasonable doubt that God is so big.

That’s how a big God does. And He does big things for us – for you and for me. And there’s nothing He cannot do or be for you and for me. That is comforting to know, right? Let that be your confidence as you go through life.

May God continue to be big in your life in Jesus’ name. Amen.


God, please come be big and bigger in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:

How bigger do you think Jehovah can be? How big can He be in your life?

Read yesterday’s article here
