How To Guard Against Sexual Relationships As Singles

How To Guard Against Sexual Relationships As Singles

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Lurry was caught in a cross-road. She had lost one of her parents which resulted in her academic pursuits being threatened.

Her late father’s friend stepped in to help out with finances. It was like God sent because the man was rich.

However, in no time, he began to make sexual advances. Lurry was confused. If she said no, there would be no money. If she said yes, she would be in an adulterous relationship because the man was married with children. What was she supposed to do?

Candid advice! Run, run, run!
There is fire on the mountain!

You see, you cannot because of mammon destroy your destiny. As a believer, God is your source and not man! You cannot trust in the arm of the flesh!

The consequence of violating the sacredness of the marriage bed far outweighs the seemingly temporary ‘lack’ you may experience when you decide to follow God.

God is not an author of confusion. If you stand up for righteousness and refuse to dip your hands in sin, God will surely make a way for you.

Righteousness invariably exalts while sin will culminate in shame and reproach!

Befriending a married man or woman and sleeping with them in exchange for money is a demonic setup to ruin your life, and lose your soul eternally, but you can still make amends as you read this.

Under no circumstance, excuse or guise will you be justified before God for doing such a thing, so don’t even bother with flimsy excuses, God’s word will never be broken.

If you have been coerced into such or you dabbled into it in ignorance, now you know that it is wrong, and you have the power of choice to decide your future now!

Don’t be deceived, it can never be God’s will for you to date or be sexually involved with a married person. The marriage covenant must be respected.
If you have done that, ask God to forgive you and never have an outing again with that married person.

Remember that what you sow is what you reap.
You cannot be another person’s headache (in his or her marriage) and expect that it will be well with your own marriage when it comes to your turn!

May God grant you more understanding.

I will not be in hurry. I will not violate God’s principles.

Oh Lord, help me to stay chase in Jesus name.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)

Pray for God’s help

Heb 13


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Does He Have A Car And Are We Compatible?

Does He Have A Car And Are We Compatible?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, I started writing on things that are popular and prevalent but not necessarily of God.

2. He has to be ‘mobile’ (He‘s got to have a car!)

Well, this is good! Who doesn’t want the best of things and who wants to ‘suffer’ first? If your fiancée has a good car before marriage, great! You are blessed!

But to make this a criterion will be a great error. The important thing is to find out God’s plan for your life. His thoughts towards you are thoughts of peace and not of evil!

Are you marrying the car or the guy? What if something happens to the car? There are seemingly rich guys today who are on their way to being massively broke. But there are also guys who are seemingly broke today but are on their way to being unrepentantly rich!

As a lady, you need to follow your heart and you have to be able to “perceive!”

3. We have to be compatible in bed

You just want to satisfy your lust, simple! How do you measure this compatibility in bed? What would he or she do that will give a pass mark?

And if he or she is not compatible according to your judgment, what happens? Look for the next available person and jump in bed to measure compatibility? Compatibility in bed is a figment of the imagination, and that is why you keep measuring after the first “measurement”

It is high time we stop that deception. It is high times ladies woke up and stop being easily deceived.

If the lady was good in bed, you’ll say she is too exposed; she has slept with too many people. If she is naïve in bed, you’ll say she is Mummy’s girl! So, exactly what are you up to?

To be continued…

I will follow God all the way. I choose to do it in God’s way.

Pray that God will help you stay true till the end

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 KJV

Decide to do it God’s way

Rom 5


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Let The Bed Remain Green, and Not Red

Let The Bed Remain Green, and Not Red

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In those days, when a new bride has been given, the bridegroom will lead her into a hut where their love will be consummated. Everybody will wait outside, expecting the groom, or is it the bride herself now, to bring out a red stained cloth, a token signifying that she was a virgin till her wedding.

Yes, these values and powerful cultural practices are quickly being eroded by civilization cum immorality, we still must raise the standard as children of God.

Our bed must remain green! A green bed signifies a life devoid of sexual immorality and pre-marital compromise.

A green bed is devoid of perversions and all antics that have been invented by the enemy of our soul.

Here is how the scripture puts it

Son 1:16 (KJV)  Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.

Let the bed remain green!

Oh yes, I know, a lot of bed have been stained even before the age of accountability, through abuses that emanated from people we have trusted.

The trauma of the past must not be allowed to create a permanent stain on our soul. We must allow the blood of Jesus to remove every red stain and clean up our soul as if we were never stained before.

This is the heritage we have in God. Allow Him to bring forgiveness to you over the perpetrator, that every stain can be removed and your destiny cleaned up for the fulfillment of God’s plan for your life.

Irrespective of the mistakes of the past, you can approach marriage with a green bed, not a stained, ugly distorted bed, for that often comes with bedsheets of stigmatized coverings! Rather allow the blood of Jesus…that will do the ultimate work.

Be blessed today and always!

My bed is green

Lord, help my bed to remain green

Son 1:16 (KJV)  Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.

Decide to remain green

Sos 1


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Why Your Wife May Not Be Cooperative In Bed

Why Your Wife May Not Be Cooperative In Bed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are many reasons why your wife loses interest in bed with you.

This attitude is not to be ignored because it can potentially bring harm to marriage.

It can push a man without self control into the zone of adulterous escapades, and of course, that comes with its unpleasant and attendant consequences that are detrimental to the family and home.

When this happens over and over again, that marriage is in serious danger of being exploited by the devil. 

What seems like occasional refusals can quickly degenerate to a point where the wife closes up her spirit and the husband starts looking elsewhere.

When you look at the scriptures, it advocates that you should not deny each other sexually.

As a counselor, I have to counsel not too few a couple on this area.

What are those reasons why a wife can suddenly lose interest, especially if she has been cooperative before?

1. When she is repeatedly hurt and disappointed

Yes, the man is the head of the house and he is supposed to have the final say.

But when the man refuses to let his wife talk all the time, shuts her up and mute her voice, it can make her withdraw emotionally.
When she is withdrawn emotionally, she cannot enjoy jeru trip like she should.

She is not a prostitute. And because she is not, a sexual experience for her is a total experience that affects every part of her.

If she is unhappy while at it, she can have the feeling of being raped.

And when this happens continuously, she would associate pain to an experience that you are supposed to enjoy and which is supposed to transport you to a land of delight like never before.

I believe this is one of the reasons Apostle Peter said:

1Pe 3:7 (CEV) If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife. Treat her with honor…

Being thoughtful about her off bed will make her cooperate more on the bed. Invest in her emotionally. Stop hurting her over and over again. The moment you lose her emotionally, you will not enjoy yourself as well.

I am not justifying this attitude on the part of the wife, because this attitude is not the appropriate response to an insensitive husband. 

Maybe he just does not understand how to treat a woman or how you want to be treated specifically.

That is not a sin in itself, he only needs to learn. So, talk to him. Explain, rather than withdraw, go quiet and sulk. Communicate. Express your frustrations without nagging and work together to build your home.

May God grant more understanding!

Be blessed!

I will cooperate with my spouse

Lord, let your love be shed abroad in our home

1Pe 3:7 (GW) Husbands, in a similar way, live with your wives with understanding since they are weaker than you are. Honor your wives as those who share God’s life-giving kindness so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.

Invest in your marriage

Matthew 27


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Ten Tips To Make A Happy Marriage – Part 2

Ten Tips To Make A Happy Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Can you see the possibility of a happy marriage. You have to believe that it’s possible, and tell yourself “I will have a happy marriage”, and then do the things necessary to have a happy marriage. We’ll continue from where we stopped yesterday

3. Never go to sleep with an argument.

An argument can occur between the couples at any time, on whatever issue, and in any particular place. However, it is maturity on the part of the couple not to spread the dirty linen outside for all to see.

It is maturity on the part of the husband to lovingly correct any mistake his wife does. She is not your daughter neither is she your maid or servant. She is your wife and covenant partner.

The wife is meant to respectfully suggest her opinion and ideas in such a way that it will not lead to an argument. That is maturity on her part.

Both husband and wife should be discerning enough to know when an argument is ensuring. They should also take note of their responses and how they react.

A soft answer is what the Bible recommends.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
Proverbs 15:1 KJV

All couples should learn and practice how to answer softly.

Each couple must deal with anger. You cannot do marriage with anger

That is why it is important to deal with every unresolved issue. Every hurt, pain, unforgiveness will only lead to more unhealthy issues in marriage.

Every couple should be willing to fight for their marriage and be ready to walk in and by the Spirit. Only then can we be sure of not being carnal, judging issues rightly, having the right perspective, and being loving in our approach.

Finally, the bible says we should not let the sun go down on our anger. The life span of your anger shouldn’t be more than 24 hours

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4:26 – 27 KJV

4. At least once a day, say something complimentary to your spouse.

If your spouse’s love language is words of affirmation, you will have to be very deliberate about complimenting him/her often. Your words mean a lot to your spouse and will often look to you for this need to be met.

You must be quick to look for virtues to celebrate, little baby steps to notice, efforts to acknowledge, and things to appreciate in your spouse.

Some temperaments don’t really need as many compliments and will do well even without a single compliment. You will do well not to judge or criticize your spouse if they need a lot of compliments.

However, as we mature, God should be our source of compliment and we should be secure in His word and promises to us and about us.

I will stop here for today. See you tomorrow by God’s Grace.

God grant us more understanding.

May God bless our marriage.

My marriage will work.

Lord, give me an understanding for my marriage in Jesus name.

EPH 5:28 ESV
In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Have a hearty discussion with your spouse today

Ps 69