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Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties. Sally and George have been engaged for only three months. But in the short time they were together, they could not remember as many times as they had been intimate. When they quarreled after three months, they parted ways and went differently.

Somehow they kept thinking of each other. They had moved on differently and each of them even have new relationships but they kept on thinking of each other.

What happened to them? Why couldn’t they move on? Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties

The Johnsons, on the other hand, married a few months back and have their issues as well. Mr. Johnson couldn’t enjoy intimacy with his wife without importing the thoughts and images of his exes. He would have to disconnect from his wife and reconnect in his mind to a certain ex before he can reach the crescendo.

What was his issue? Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties

Sexual intimacy is created by God for your enjoyment and to bring you closer to marriage. It is the highest level of knowing your spouse. God is so particular about it that He said you must not deny or defraud each other. In other words, satisfy each other.

As a matter of fact, when you starve each other of this great blessing that God has afforded you, you actually make yourselves vulnerable. And the devil is quick to set up such traps in offices and anywhere. So, married couples, learn to satisfy each other, that is exactly what God wants.

The issue that Mr.Johnson has is called soul ties with previous lovers.

For Sally and George, the reality is that they have what is called a “soul tie!”

This is what pre-marital intimacy does! How does this happen? Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties

In marriage, it brings a bonding between the couple, because that is one of the purposes of intimacy. It cements the couple and joins them together at the highest possible level. Their souls become knitted together. They become one. They are glued together, and God says nobody should put them asunder.

But in intimacy outside marriage, there is also a bonding. It is just that it is another kind of bonding. It is an illegal bonding that gives access to the operation of demonic entities in one’s life. It is called soul ties.

This is what the scripture is talking about here:

“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.”  (1Co 6:15-16, KJV)

Can you see that?

In pre-marital intimacy, the two people also become one body! They are not married, but there is an illegal bonding that gives access to legal operations of demonic activities because of disobedience.

Message Translation puts it this way:

“There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.””  (1Co 6:16, MSG)

So we see that this is spiritual. As a matter of fact, when you get involved with someone, you are actually having intimacy with everybody that person has had intimacy with! It is not uncommon to see a person suddenly stealing after being intimate with someone that steals!

There is nothing like casual sex. Nothing is casual about it, it is spiritual. There is nothing like a one-night stand. One night stand can lead to an eternity of woes and damnation.

There is nothing like a quickie outside marriage. One quickie and one’s destiny can be quickly set back by five years or more!

This is just the reality! Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties

How do you break soul ties from past sexual mistakes?

1. Ask God to forgive you for the mistake
2. Repent and make up your mind not to do it again.
3. Fast and pray and ask God to severe every bonding and soul ties
4. Disconnect from such a person. Stop all the calls and chats
5. Psalm 23 says, “He restoreth my soul!” Ask God to restore your soul
6. Stop living in sin. Jesus told that woman, “Go and sin no more!”
7. Patiently wait for the salvation of God in your relationship. Don’t be hasty. Cooperate with God’s plan.
8. Believe that God has a plan for you and that the plan will become a reality.
9. Keep reading and studying God’s word. Your mind will be renewed over time. For example, if you can follow this devotional consistently, your mind will be renewed in this area and you will get to know a lot of things and be prepared for marriage and as married. A lot of people have testified to that.

I pray for you this morning that God will grant you more understanding.

Right now, I break every form of soul ties that may exist in Jesus’ name. I destroy every plan of hell over your destiny, I declare you free from consequences of past mistakes and I ask in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit that your soul be restored now to God’s desire for you as an individual and in your relationship/marriage….in Jesus name! Spirituality And Reality Of Soul Ties


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