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Today is another day and this is September To Remember – Day 26. Are you ready to pray? God will hearken to the desires of your heart!

Scriptures for Prayers Today

September To Remember – Day 26

The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 AMP

[13] I’m ready to help you right now. Deliverance is not a long-range plan. Salvation isn’t on hold. I’m putting salvation to work in Zion now, and glory in Israel.

Isa 46:13 (MSG)

Prayer Points

September To Remember – Day 26

1. Begin to thank the Lord for the twenty-sixth day of the fast.

2. Pray that the LORD delivers you from every form of delay you’re experiencing in your job/business.

3. Begin to bind the spirit of delay in your life.

4. Pray against marital delay and delay in child-bearing.

5. Begin to pray for enlargement of capacity, so you can be able to receive the things that God has for you.

6. Pray that the LORD sends you His very present help.

7. Begin to pray for deliverance from any form of demonic oppression.

8. Cry for the glory of God to be made manifest in everything that concerns you.

9. Go ahead and make your personal requests known to the Lord 

10. Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers

Confession For Today

September To Remember – Day 26

I cooperate with the timing of God. I do not run faster than God. I move at his pace. I trust the judgement of the Holy Spirit. Even though it seems late, it will eventually be the latest. God is acting on my behalf. God is moving to favor me. God’s promises concerning my relationship/marriage is coming to pass speedily. I receive the help of God. I am delivered from the clutches of sin. I walk in the victory of the finished works of Christ. The joy of my salvation is restored in full. So shall it be in Jesus name, amen.

To understand purpose of fast, Go HERE
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