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Today, we are on September To Remember – Day 16. September To Remember Fasting was called by God to cause us a birthing

Scriptures for Today

September To Remember – Day 16

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

Isa 60:1 (KJV)

ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you–rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

Isa 60:1 (AMPC)

And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

Isa 60:3 (KJV)

And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.

Isa 60:10 (KJV)

Prayer Points

September To Remember – Day 16

1. Go ahead and thank God for the sixteenth day of the fast.

2. Begin to pray that the glory of the LORD rises from within you and becomes expressed in your life.

3. Pray against any form of depression or discouragement that the devil wants to bring into your life.

4. Begin to pray that God will straighten you up in the areas where circumstances has made you to be bent over.

5. Begin to pray that your light gets brighter in the spirit realm, attracting kings and every helper you need to you.

6. Pray for the strength and wisdom to keep learning and sharpening the skills that will set you apart in this world.

7. Begin to cry for the mercy of God to fill up your life.

8. Begin to invoke the favour of God upon your life, that will make strangers help you build and kings to minister to you.

9. Lift up your voice and raise your request to God.

10. Go ahead and begin to thank the Lord.

Confession For Today

September To Remember – Day 15

I am a shinning light. My light has come. My life is full of God’s glory. I will no long be depressed. I will no longer be given to offence. I will no longer be sad and gloomy. I rise to a new life in Christ. I am radiating his glory. People seek for my knowledge from far and near. My name is on the lips of many for good. Wealth and increase come to me from afar. For my business and the works of my hands, I receive favor from the Lord. My relationship/marriage moves to the next level by the mercy of the Lord. So shall it be, Amen.

To understand purpose of fast, Go HERE
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