Secrets Unveiled: Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage Part 2
What are the Keys to a Long-Lasting Marriage?
8. Understanding the Price of Agreement.
Agreement is the foundation of any covenant relationship. Maintaining an agreement requires effort, but it is well worth it to enjoy the benefits of a true partnership. As the Apostle pointed out, “two cannot walk together except that they agree.”
Agreement allows couples to function as a corporate entity, combining their strengths for maximum impact. However, agreement does not just happen – it is something that must be cultivated through understanding each other, compromising when needed, and prioritizing the relationship above personal desires.
Apostle Arome used the example of Israel’s relationship with God to show how disagreement can arise even when two parties are committed to each other. Though Israel was married to God by covenant, at times “there was no harmony, no concord.”
Living together day after day reveals each person’s weaknesses as well as their strengths. It takes work to see beyond surface issues and maintain the “temperature of agreement.” But the rewards are great for couples who make this effort, as Apostle Arome said, with agreement comes the ability to “explore the field of destiny” through their combined efforts.
9. Avoid Unequal Yoke.
Being “unequally yoked” leads to a lack of harmony. When two people have differing values, priorities, or visions for their lives together, it creates internal friction that manifests in their interactions. Small disagreements that would normally be resolved become magnified when the underlying yoke is unequal.
Couples may find themselves constantly butting heads over decisions big and small. Resentment and frustration can build on both sides when there is no agreement at the core level of who they are and what they want from their marriage and future. Apostle Arome pointed to this lack of agreement at the foundational level as a disaster for any relationship that is meant to function as a unit.
10. Fellowship and Participation.
The Greek word for fellowship means participation. Effective participation between partners requires understanding each other’s strengths, weaknesses, passions, and quirks.
Couples who take the time to truly get to know their spouse on deep levels find it much easier to participate together in a harmonious way. They understand how to encourage and support each other’s participation in activities, responsibilities, and decision-making in a way that plays to each person’s nature. This allows them to function as a cohesive unit where both people feel valued for their contributions. A lack of real understanding breeds a lack of participation, which in turn breeds distance and disharmony in the relationship.

11. Communion and Intercourse.
Communion, or “koinonia”, refers to intercourse – the height of agreement between partners. When there is disharmony between a couple, it negatively impacts their ability to be intimate with each other. Intercourse is meant to be an act that deepens the bond of unity between a husband and wife, but lack of agreement on other levels makes true communion very difficult.
Unresolved issues like differing values or ongoing arguments translate to a disconnect even in the bedroom. Partners may feel reluctant to be emotionally or physically vulnerable. Addressing the root causes of disharmony through open communication and compromise is important to restore full communion in the relationship.
12. Purpose and Objectives.
Having a clearly defined, shared purpose is important for agreement. Couples who do not have a strong sense of why their marriage exists beyond just being together are more likely to experience disagreement down the line. Life presents many opportunities to veer off course individually if a marriage’s purpose is unclear or unaligned. Discussing each person’s goals, values, vision for family, and aspirations helps partners get on the same page about their reasons for committing to each other. With a mutual understanding of purpose, it is easier to make decisions and compromises while staying focused on similar objectives.
13. Addressing Past Mistake.
Apostle Arome discusses how past inappropriate relationships or touches can negatively impact agreement in a current marriage if unaddressed. Soul ties from previous romantic connections, even if just emotional, can linger in the recesses of one’s mind and heart. This leaves room for comparison or unresolved baggage that seeps into the present. Complete honesty and repentance between partners is needed. Working through such issues with a counselor or mentor can help cut past ties that hinder full agreement in the marriage. Sins of the past, if not brought to light, have the power to slowly poison unity in the present.
14. Conclusion.
In conclusion, the keys to lasting long in any marriage ultimately come down to agreement. Couples must work to cultivate agreement through fellowship, shared purpose, addressing past issues, and prioritizing their unity. When two become one in mutual understanding and participation, it allows them to present a united front even against any “enemy” seeking to bring disharmony. With agreement as the foundation, a marriage can withstand challenges and last for the long run.
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