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Practical Ways To Invest In Your Marriage

Investing in your marriage is an intentional practice that takes time, effort, attention, and patience. Here are some helpful tips.

1. Respect each other

Know that you are both adults each having something unique to contribute to the marriage. Show Mutual respect for each other’s opinions. This becomes very beneficial.

2. Appreciate each other

Show and express your gratitude for each other’s efforts, and contribute to the marriage. It is true that a tree doesn’t make a forest.

3. Spend Time together

A couple that doesn’t spend quality time together grows apart. You could be together and not be available for each other. Do activities that connect you together physically, emotionally, intellectually etc

4. Talk with each other

Regularly talk and listen to each other’s thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Listen as much as you talk. I guess that is why God gave us two ears and one mouth.

5. Feel for each other

Can you feel your spouse? That’s why the Bible says we should be tenderhearted to one another. Try and understand each other’s perspectives and emotions.

6. Address issues and Conflicts

Problems, issues, and conflicts are meant to be solved. Address them calmly and work together to find solutions to them.

7. Stay intimate with each other

Physical and emotional intimacy should not be compromised. Keep the marriage bond strong. Stay intimate emotionally, more importantly, as a foundation for physical intimacy.

8. Continual learning

Knowledge improves our lives both as individuals and as a couple. Invest in your growth by continual learning. Stagnant water stinks. Don’t let your marriage stink.

9. Pray together

Couples that pray together stay together. Marriage is more spiritual than physical. So spend time talking to God together about every detail of your marital lives.

10. Support Each Other

Be each other’s greatest fan. Priorities each other above any other one. Be your spouse’s greatest supporter in your own unique way. Be there for each other and don’t be too busy to show up when needed.

God bless our marriage in Jesus’ name


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