One Characteristic to Look for in a Man. One of the most common problems that single women face is determining how to spot a good man.
According to the Bible, in
Pro 20:6b (KJV) but a faithful man who can find?
It implies that finding a good man is difficult.
There are numerous attributes to seek in a man. I only want to show you one as an example of things to look out for in a man.
This is a non-negotiable trait. It is something you should never, ever compromise on.
One Characteristic to Look for in a Man
Let’s have a look at this.
1Pe 3:7 (KJV) Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Does this person you want to make your husband HONOUR you?
It’s a multi-billion-dollar question that requires a thoughtful journey before signing on the dotted line!
He will not honor you tomorrow if he does not honor you now.
One Characteristic to Look for in a Man
Everything your fiance is doing to you now will be repeated in marriage.
All of his deeds are trailers for the real film.
And that film is lengthy, spanning multiple seasons!
What does it mean to be honorable?
It indicates holding high regard or regard for someone.
Can you say this to the man you want to marry?
There is no honor when he sleeps with you under duress or by any other type of manipulation.
There is no honor if he tells you that you are merely one of his many girlfriends.
There is no honor if he repeatedly raises his hand against you, only to apologize later.
I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea.
One Characteristic to Look for in a Man
According to the Message translation:
Honor them, delight in them.
Is he really into you? In a genuine way, rather than for the sake of sexual gratification?
Another translation is as follows:
Husbands, in a similar way, live with your wives with understanding.
Is he thinking of you? Does he let you express yourself or does he silence you until your default mode is mute?
Finally, another translation states:
If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife.
Is he considerate? Is he sympathetic to your requirements, or does he believe you are overly demanding?
These are important questions to think about.
I will not forget to pray for you this morning. My God will lead you into His will. In Jesus’ name, your path will not intersect with a time-waster! And for those already married, God will keep you and preserve your marriage for good in Jesus’ name!
Have a blessed day!
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