More Causes of Marital Delay. We started on this yesterday and we will continue this morning
3. You have taken over God’s business
Again, you can bring delay when you try to take over God’s job in your decision of who to get married to. God wants to lead but when you decide to lead yourself, you can bring unnecessary delays.
There are some jobs that are meant for Jehovah, but you are human. Only God knows the right spouse for you. It is good to seek His face and then trust His direction because most of the time, what God is telling you does not settle with your reasoning.
This is not to say that God will lead you to somebody you dislike or you hate and you will now be forced to marry somebody you don’t like. There is nothing like that. God is not an author of confusion. You may not like the person God shows you the very first time you set eyes on him or her, because he or she is still a stranger. But as you get close and become friends, you will come to love this person. Don’t ever marry somebody you dislike or you don’t love because God is “leading” you. There is nothing like that.
4. You have unrealistic wishes
When you have unrealistic wishes, it can actually cause delays. Too many romantic novels, Korean movies, Indian films, and all that can actually drive you to a place of wishful thinking and desires that are unrealistic.
Marriage comes with pressures and frictions caused by temperamental differences and personality disparities, which are visible even at the friendship stage. If you keep getting out of relationships out of the slightest provocation, then you are causing delays. Once you are led by God, the person is born again, Spirit-filled, has the fear of God, has a vision and a purpose, and you are attracted to the person, leave the rest to God!
5. You disregard and disrespect people
People are easily turned off when you have a negative attitude, or you are not courteous. It can actually turn away a potential suitor. Nobody wants to marry an angry, negative-attitude person. It is good to work on yourself when your parents, pastor, friends, and siblings have complained about the same thing. They are not all wrong, you are the one that needs to make amend with the help of the Holy Spirit
6. The purpose and sovereignty of God
Finally, there can be some form of delay because of the sovereignty of God. The purpose of God actually transcends your personal desires. Interestingly, the same purpose of God can speed up marriage when you are not even thinking of it.
If it is the purpose of God, what you see as delay will eventually bring smiles to you because you will rejoice at the end.
Conclusively, make sure you are not bringing a self-imposed delay on yourself with the aforementioned.
The other twist is those who are already married and feel God has not answered their prayers about their spouse’s salvation. Let me encourage you, God will answer your prayers. Keep praying, and never give up, until you see the travails of your heart. God is listening to every bit of your prayers and He will answer you with surety.
I pray that God will help you to make needed changes as a single and lead you into His plans for your lives. You will not be confused.
Singles Conference 2022 is some weeks away! Ensure you are around. The spirit causing the delay will be crushed! And we will be teaching you things you need to do from your end as well. The Spirit of Grace will come upon you and make things easy for you. Find links to register below!