Marriage Mavericks: Thriving Above All
Tales of woes and regrets litter the entire milieu of social media concerning failed marriages and damaged love affairs.
The media space, particularly the Nollywood, Hollywood, Bollywood, and all other woods constantly weave their plots to suggest nothing good can come out of marriage.
The marriage institution as ordained by God has been inundated with absurd insinuations. It has been twisted and warped, mulled and mutilated, and strange practices are being brandished daily and with temerity before all and sundry.
Why does it look as though it is failing? Why are there so many cheats? Why is it hard to believe that there are still people who will not cheat on their spouses? Why would ladies subject themselves to an affliction and go into marriage believing and expecting to be cheated upon and seeing it as usual?
Why would some older women teach younger ones that their husbands would cheat and that they should cope with it? Are their experiences valid enough to become a standard to hand over to younger ones?

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Marriage Mavericks: Thriving Above All
What is the panacea?
How did those ahead of us get good reports concerning their marriages? What were their secrets?
The writer of Hebrews took us to verse two of chapter Eleven and gave us the blueprint. He literarily handed over to us what would make marriage and indeed life work out.
For by it (Faith) the elders obtained a good report.
The excellent report, the good testimony, the successful relationship that led to the wedding, and the great marriage that became enviable became a reality through faith!
The Message Translation is instructive. It says;
The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.
Marriage Mavericks: Thriving Above All
Do you want to be above the mad, disoriented, and confused crowd? Then get into the act of faith.
This can only be done by a deliberate and conscious effort of fellowship with God and His word, deciding to obey all that is written there. It is simple, right? It is however potent and powerful.
Become a word stickler and you will find yourself in faith!
When all your “toasting” prowess fails and all your love dexterity disappoints, His word will uphold, give you victory and raise a great family for you!
Good morning!