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Love Before And After Wedding. Don’t Fall In Love With Just Anybody. Why fall in love with another person’s spouse? What do you wish the other person? That he or she should die so that you can get married to that person? Not a good wish and that is a prayer God will never answer.

Such desires waste your time, it blinds you to the original thing God wants to do in your life and ultimately bring delay in God’s individual plan for you. Besides, you will be endangering your life. The wrath of a man or woman whose spouse is being trifled with is not something to experience.

It’s the same when you have sex with your neighbor’s wife: Touch her and you’ll pay for it. No excuses. Adultery is a brainless act, soul–destroying, self–destructive; Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good (Proverbs 6:29,32-33 Message)

Why fall in love with a person you cannot spend your life with? You don’t like him, but you are in love. You know he doesn’t like you but you are in love. The pastor must not know about the relationship, but you are in love. Your parents must have none of that relationship, but you are in love. All your friends are warning you about this person, but you are in love. God’s principles are being violated but you are in love.

Well, that would not really be love, because you cannot love a person you don’t like! Something is amiss somewhere and it is an indication for you to apply the brakes.

Why fall in love with a man because of money?

You don’t love him, you hate his guts, but now you have fallen in love with his money. Man is not designed to be Jehovah Jireh, so don’t attempt to invent that.

That man promising you heaven and earth will fail you in the end. Why? Man is built to disappoint!

Why do you put up with him? Money? The wrong purpose for sticking together! Why would you put up with an older woman? Money? Wrong way of living! It is what Jesus Christ referred to as the deceitfulness of riches.

Married Couples – Love Before And After Wedding

Married couples, You fall in love over and over again with your spouse after the wedding because it keeps the marriage fire burning. It is what you must do deliberately.

Love Before And After Wedding. Let’s talk to married couples.

In marriage, you should not allow the fire to go out. Be creative. Never stop wooing each other.

There are intense temptations and traps out there, so you protect each other by falling in love repeatedly! Take yourselves out again. Toast her again. Get the flowers and write the poems again!

When you make that sacrifice for each other, you will have peace of mind in your marriage and you will be able to maximize the power of agreement that lies in a good marriage!

Finally, what do you do when you find yourself in love with the wrong person? Walk away. Run away. Fly away! By all means, save your soul!

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. (Proverbs 6:5 KJV)

I know it can be uneasy because of emotional connection, but when you think of the inevitable agony that lies ahead, the consequences of disobedience that are sure to come, the disenfranchising of oneself from the favour and support of God, and the delay of God’s beautiful plan, when you think about all those and more and you sum them together, you will muster enough strength to fly away and say a “strong NO” to a wrong lifestyle.

And the beauty of it all, God will be waiting to embrace you and make all things right! Decide today! May you receive strength today to live for God! This is Love Before And After Wedding

I will not miss it 

Pray that God will give you direction 

Pro 6:5 (MSG)  Run like a deer from the hunter, fly like a bird from the trapper!

Disconnect from all ungodly relationships

2 Kings 19


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