Lord, Change My Spouse Now!
Five years into their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Scott are both dissatisfied.
They both adore God, are born-again, and have a strong bond with one another.
But with time, that affection seems to have diminished. The affection they had shared seemed to vanish into thin air.
The butterflies that had gathered inside their stomachs to form the shape of love appeared to have left.
Mrs. Scott’s eyes, which had given her husband an adrenaline boost, now seemed to be the source of annoyance.
“I just love your eyeballs, they are heavenly,” became, “Please don’t stare at me so irritably!”
Mr. Scott’s broad shoulders, which used to make his wife’s knees buckle in adoration, no longer affect her. In fact, she feels that his chest is overly big. Does he believe that when he was conceived, “chests” were sold on earth?
What took place? Well, soon after their wedding, The Scotts set out on a quest to transform one another.
They were singing the song into each other’s ears nonstop.
“You must change.”
“You are the cause of all the problems in this house.””If you could only change.”
Well, they remained the same.
And in a marriage, that is the truth you will inevitably encounter.
Lord, Change My Spouse Now!
If you anticipate a dramatic transformation in your spouse over night, you will be quite disappointed.
When either spouse is an unbeliever, that is another thing entirely. Change in that sense is possible and can be anytime.
However, it may take some time when it comes to habits, attitudes, and behavioral patterns.
Lord, Change My Spouse Now!
You’ll need to be patient, though! It takes some time.
Let’s say that when you got married, your partner was 25 years old.
It implies that for 25 years, he or she has been molded into a specific shape.
Expecting your spouse to change quickly after you preach to or lecture them will not result in any change within a few days of becoming married.
If you keep hoping for a speedy change, you can be let down.
1Co 13:4 (CEV)
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud…
I believe that in marriages, you always learn what the virtue of “long-suffering” really means.
May God bless your marriage!