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How You Can Rise Above Perversion. Tope sobbed bitterly as she described her story because of what she had gone through. Despite having grown up in a godly household, she ended up living a strange lifestyle. She was simply unable to believe it. She previously decried and strongly resisted this way of life, but sadly, she fell victim to what she detested. She detested this way of life, yet she was unable to give it up. She caught herself in prostitution for cash. She disliked the way of life, but she adored the cash.

Dele is a womanizer. He came from an affluent family, so he lured unwary women in with his money. He tried to stop, but he was unable to. His resolve to stop would not hold. He was unaware that the spirits of mammon and depravity were controlling him.

Pastor Johnson is a young man=. He is chosen, appointed, and called. He still doesn’t know how he got started compromising. He leads people to his room who he is supposed to lead to Christ. Johnson is anointed, but he is also bound by a religious mentality, believing that God must be endorsing his way of life based on the ‘result’ and the anointing he possesses. He has no idea that he is a walking corpse!

How You Can Rise Above Perversion

In the same way, pornography, masturbation, lesbianism, homosexuality, and other sexual perversions are practiced by some of God’s children.

Today I present to you God’s message.  God is not angry with you, nor does he condemn you! But He would not tolerate any sin! Is there any reason He wants you to lose your soul? No! This is due to the ultimate price that has been paid on your behalf!

Heb 13:5 AMP. ‘Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]’

What you should understand is that the spirits of mammon and perversion are working in tandem. That is why the prostitute gives her body in exchange for money, the man gives his money in exchange for a lady, the student offers her body in exchange for money for school fees, the young man sleeps with older women in exchange for money, and so on.

The scripture teaches that you should allow your character or moral inclination to be free of a love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and yearning for earthly riches] and content with your current [circumstances and possessions];

How You Can Rise Above Perversion

Never let greed or a desire for money dictate your life’s emphasis. Is it wise to obtain all the money and then lose your soul?

God won’t let you down! He won’t abandon you. He won’t abandon you. Don’t make yourself into a disposable item passed from man to man and from bed to bed for financial gain! Embrace your own worth. Count on him and respect his word. Refuse the operations of the spirit of deceit!

God loves you!


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