Reading Time: 3 minutes

Isaiah 28:20 KJV
For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.

…and the covering narrower than he can wrap himself in it.
Uhmmm… May we never be in this situation! It is a place where one is exposed and there is no covering. It is a place where one becomes exposed to the harsh weathers of this life, and there seems to be no covering.

It is a place where the different seasons of life become a disadvantage rather than leverage. It is a time where one’s nakedness is uncovered, where the finances are never enough and where shame is always in the offing.

It is a time when spiritual cold is easily caught because you are exposed to the elements of this world. It is a time when all the sounds are just sneezes and noises, and you are no longer a voice. It is a time where embarrassments become the order of the day, and your story seem to be on the lips of everyone.

It is a time where it seems there is no place to hide under, the blanket is useless, and the harsh weather of life takes over!

May I have the honour of telling you this morning, that this is not your portion? May I announce to you that if you have been coping with some of these experiences, it is time you rebel.

Yes, you read it right. It is time to rebel against what God has not packaged into your life. It is time to reject every thing the enemy is trying to programme into your life. It is time you reject every message form demonic dreams.

It is time you reject the tendencies you see in your lineage and is beginning to rear its head. It is time you say No because you are a child of God. It is time you pull out every tree that your heavenly father has not planted!

Throw away the wrapper, and take on the garment of righteousness. The wrapper of iniquity and compromise is too narrow, it will rather bring shame and rather than save from shame.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach!
When you find yourself in a relationship with a person who has no fear or regard for God, your covering will be narrow. If you find yourself in an adulterous mess, the covering will be narrow.

Throw away this covering that is narrow and stop going through life in a cycle of broken relationships and jilting experiences.
Go to where the real covering is!

Psa 91:1-2 KJV
(1)  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
(2)  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

It is when you get in the secret place that you can be saved from the vicissitudes and the harsh weathers of this life.
Let Him be your refuge and fortress. Put your trust in Him today.

The wrapper you have from that married man who is not your husband will not last, it will expose you. The house he rented for you will not cover at the end!
Go for the real garment that lies in God

Mat 9:21 KJV
For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

Go for that garment. Decide to
have a relationship with God rather than live with your issues alone.
He will save you. He will embrace you in His everlasting arms and save you from the evil one. He will wrap you in His love and give you a new garment.

He will dress you up and decorate your destiny with dignity. He will glorify you with productivity and result. He will save you from the frustrations of this life and the shame that is lurking.

Call upon him today. Confess all sin. Give your life to Him and start a new beginning in Him. You will not regret this decision!

I am free from shame. Shame is far from me.

Lord, let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Psa 91:1 KJV
(1)  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Decide to go for a new garment.

PS 91


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