Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gifts are one of the love languages as postulated by Gary Chapman.

Below are a few of my thoughts concerning this topic.

1. Don’t Manipulate Your Spouse Into Gifts Buying

As married couples, the idea is not to disconnect or quarrel with your spouse if he or she is not speaking your language.

You can lovingly discuss with your spouse what makes you happy. You can also reach out and buy him or her gifts and then your spouse does the same in return.

2. Intertwined

As married couples, acts of service and gifts are intertwined. This is because you can give your time, encouragement, empathy, show your love to her in the kitchen and give her some of your time, watch a football match with him when you will rather be having a nap.

But there are people who associate gifts as a love language to have a lot of money.

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3. Eat your cake and have it?

Some single ladies have different guys for different purposes. Some to buy them phones and tabs, some to pay their rent, some to load their phones, some to buy them air tickets, some to load them with cash… well, this is not about love language, it is more of trying to eat your cake and have it.

If this idea and way of living is brought into the marriage, there will be a lot of issues.

It is more of greed and covetousness. It is more of being caught in the web of the deceitfulness of riches. It is not consistent with God’s principles and this will rather slow you down in your journey to a good marriage.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, and in expressing this language, let God’s word guide you and keep you within godly boundaries.

Don’t borrow to give gifts. Don’t take a loan just to impress someone.

Don’t start what you cannot sustain. Don’t spend the money you don’t have to buy things that are not needed in order to impress people that are not looking.

May God grant more understanding!


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