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Four Things A Lady Shouldn’t Do

Today, many homes are broken because one spouse refuses to agree to the fundamentals of marriage.

This morning, I want to highlight four areas that every woman should concentrate on in order to keep her marriage strong with the help of the Holy Spirit.

1. Avoid acting as your family’s head

Anyone should be able to follow the way God ordained marriage since it is so straightforward. Avoid attempting to design your own system. Chaos and calamity are the results when divine order is violated. It’s only a matter of time before the marriage breaks down if you habitually and constantly reject your husband’s corrections.

1 Co 11:3 GNB. But I want you to understand that Christ is supreme over every man, the husband is supreme over his wife, and God is supreme over Christ.

This is not in the sense of dominance and oppression but in the sense of divine order. Do some husbands abuse this? yes! However, the scripture is what it is!

You are acting disobediently as a woman if you submit to your pastor but not to your spouse. According to the verses above, the husband is the wife’s head.

Four Things A Lady Shouldn’t Do

2. Never undervalue the effectiveness of prayer

Be a woman who prays. That automatically sidesteps some marital problems. Your prayers will keep certain things from trying to make an unsightly entrance. Pray instead of elaborating.

2 Co 2:11 KJV. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us. for we are not ignorant of his devices.

We are not supposed to be ignorant. We ought to be ahead at all times.

2 Co 2:11 MSG. After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief–we’re not oblivious to his sly ways!

God gave every woman a womb so she may give birth in both the physical world and the spiritual world. Learn to trust God alone, not man, with everything. This is not to argue that men should not take the lead during family prayers. However, every wife should be an intercessor for her husband and vice versa.


3. Avoid comparisons

2 Co 10:12 KJV. For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves. but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

In terms of resources and social standing, we are all not on the same playing field. It is stupid to make comparisons with other people or families.

Focus on your home and live within your means.

2 Co 10:12b MSG. …But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point.

You, your husband, and your family are put under pressure by comparison. Depression may eventually result from it. So be grateful rather than comparing. Be thankful in your attitudes.

Four Things A Lady Shouldn’t Do

4. Be on the lookout for any type of affair

Emotional and physical affairs are two tried-and-true methods to destroy a family. Never, under any circumstances, succumb to the pressure to cheat on your husband. Avoid attempting to get revenge on him by betraying him. The results are genuinely unpleasant.

One negative aspect of adultery is that because it operates with consent, it invites other demonic forces to assault your house.

Keep your word to your hubby. Avoid romance at work.

Don’t give in to the need to talk about your marital difficulties with a male coworker who you know has a soft spot for you. That will lead to a trap for you.

In secret, sin thrives. Be approachable to your hubby. Locate a confidant mentor. When immorality is exposed, its influence is destroyed.

God’s peace be with you and your family. I dispel all of the raging storms in your family via the power of the Holy Spirit. I command: peace in your relationship and home in Jesus’ name!


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