Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did God Lose It?

Sandy’s face contorted in pain as she strolled alone, her face an exact picture of the rush of confused emotions that gripped her soul. 

How could this ever happen to me? She queried a non-existent companion.

Her pain had been triggered by a huge financial loss in her business and had been exacerbated by the sudden break up of a promising relationship. The guy simply eloped with another babe, no explanation!

Sure, this is not supposed to happen to me. She queried again, loudly as if her invisible companion caused it all. 

She looked up and screamed, God, why?

Many of us are in Sandy’s shoes, probably even going through something worse, where it feels as though “God has lost it over one’s life!”

Some are going through intense times in their marriages and homes. From dealing with an irresponsible spouse to health issues and financial pressures. The list is endless.

Are you at that place where it feels as though you are abandoned and God isn’t looking at your side?

I have been there several times. My wife ahs been there several times.

At such time, the first thing you need is an assurance in your heart from God.

I want to share with you the assurance God gave me in one of such times.

Jer 29:11 (MSG) I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.


That is huge. God says He knows what He is doing!

He is not confused about your life! 

He has it all planned out! He will take care of you and He will not abandon you! 

Stay on this word, study it, meditate on it, pray on it and you will see light begin to shine in that darkness!

I pray for you, to receive God’s intervention today in Jesus’ name!
